pronounce a consonant

pronounce a consonant
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pronounce a consonant" в других словарях:

  • consonant — I adj. (formal) consonant to, with II n. 1) to articulate, pronounce a consonant 2) a dental; double, geminate; final; guttural; hard; labial; liquid; soft; unvoiced; velar; voiced consonant 3) (misc.) a consonant cluster * * * [ kɒnsənənt]… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Consonant harmony — Sound change and alternation Metathesis Quantitative metathesis …   Wikipedia

  • consonant — [[t]kɒ̱nsənənt[/t]] consonants 1) N COUNT A consonant is a sound such as p , f , n , or t which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth. Compare vowel. 2) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ with n Something that is consonant with… …   English dictionary

  • Glottalic consonant — A glottalic consonant is a consonant produced with some important contribution (a movement, a closure) of the glottis (the opening that leads from the nose and mouth cavities into the larynx and the lungs).Glottalic sounds may involve motion of… …   Wikipedia

  • Click consonant — Manners of articulation Obstruent Plosive (occlusive) Affricate Fricative Sibilant Sonorant Nasal Flap/Tap Approximant …   Wikipedia

  • Ejective consonant — In phonetics, ejective consonants are voiceless consonants that are pronounced with simultaneous closure of the glottis. In the phonology of a particular language, ejectives may contrast with aspirated or tenuis consonants. Additionally, some… …   Wikipedia

  • Phonological history of English consonant clusters — The phonological history of English consonant clusters is part of the phonological history of the English language in terms of changes in the phonology of consonant clusters. Contents 1 H cluster reductions 1.1 Wh cluster reductions 1.2 Yew–hew… …   Wikipedia

  • Labiovelar consonant — The term labiovelar is ambiguous. It may mean labial velar (a consonant made at two places of articulation, one at the lips and the other at the soft palate), or it may mean labialized velar (a consonant with an approximant like secondary… …   Wikipedia

  • Labial-velar consonant — Labial velar consonants are doubly articulated at the velum and the lips. They are sometimes called labiovelar consonants , a term which can also refer to labialized velars, such as the approximant IPA| [w] . Truly doubly articulated labial… …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral consonant — Lateral release ◌ˡ IPA number 426 view …   Wikipedia

  • Implosive consonant — Implosive consonants are stops (rarely affricates) with a mixed glottalic ingressive and pulmonic egressive airstream mechanism. Phonetics for communication disorders. Martin J. Ball and Nicole Müller. Routledge, 2005.] That is, the airstream is… …   Wikipedia

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