

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "promulgates" в других словарях:

  • promulgates — pro·mul·gate || prÉ‘mlgeɪt / prÉ’ v. proclaim, declare; publicize, advertise widely; publish, distribute widely …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Royal Assent — The granting of Royal Assent is the formal method by which a constitutional monarch completes the legislative process of lawmaking by formally assenting to an Act of Parliament. While the power to withhold Royal Assent was once exercised often,… …   Wikipedia

  • Promulgation — or enactment is the act of formally proclaiming or declaring new statutory or administrative law when it receives final approval. Explanation After it is approved, the new law is officially announced to the public. Normally, it is accomplished by …   Wikipedia

  • Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation — The Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation is the division of the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation responsible for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, brokers and appraisers, auto body salvage re builder… …   Wikipedia

  • Monarchy of Belgium — King of the Belgians Monarchy Federal …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Congress — An Act of Congress is a statute enacted by the United States Government and is legally empowered by the United States Constitution. The legislation is passed, and therefore becomes federal law, when it receives a simple majority in both houses of …   Wikipedia

  • Real estate appraisal — Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually its Market Value. The need for appraisals arises from the heterogeneous nature of property as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Catholic Mariology — This article is about Roman Catholic perspectives, and does not reflect the views of other segments of the Catholic Church such as Eastern Catholics. For general Christian views, see Mariology. A series of articles on Roman Catholic Mariology …   Wikipedia

  • Real Academia Galega — The Real Academia Galega (Galician for Royal Galician Academy) is an institution dedicated to the study of Galician culture and especially the Galician language; it promulgates norms of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary and works to promote the… …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of Pakistani history (1947 to present) — History of Pakistan Post Independence Events1947 * June 3: British Government decides to bifurcates India, into two sovereign states – India and Pakistan. * August 14: Pakistan comes into being as an independent sovereign State. * August 18:… …   Wikipedia

  • Mariology of the popes — This article is about the views, directives and impacts of popes on Roman Catholic Mariology. For Anglican views, please see Anglican Marian theology. For a list of relevant Vatican documents, please see Marian papal encyclicals and Apostolic… …   Wikipedia

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