promote sales

promote sales
стимулировать сбыт

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "promote sales" в других словарях:

  • promote — pro‧mote [prəˈməʊt ǁ ˈmoʊt] verb [transitive] 1. to help something develop, grow, become more successful etc, or encourage something to happen: • The CBI is in favour of promoting alliances between small businesses. • Oftel favors firm controls… …   Financial and business terms

  • sales campaign — noun an advertising campaign intended to promote sales • Hypernyms: ↑advertising campaign, ↑ad campaign, ↑ad blitz …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sales taxes in the United States — are a tax added onto the price of goods or services that are purchased in the United States. A sales tax is a tax on consumption, which is displayed as a percentage of the sale price. Sales taxes are assessed by every state except Alaska,… …   Wikipedia

  • promote — [prə mōt′, prōmōt′] vt. promoted, promoting [ME promoten < L promotus, pp. of promovere, to move forward: see PRO 2 & MOVE] 1. to raise or advance to a higher position or rank [she was promoted to manager] 2. to help bring about or further the …   English World dictionary

  • sales promotion — ☆ sales promotion n. the use of publicizing methods other than paid advertising to promote a product, service, etc …   English World dictionary

  • promote — /prə məυt/ verb 1. to give someone a more important job or to move someone to a higher grade ● He was promoted from salesman to sales manager. 2. to advertise a product ♦ to promote a new product to increase the sales of a new product by a sales… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • promote — [[t]prəmo͟ʊt[/t]] ♦♦ promotes, promoting, promoted 1) VERB If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread. [V n] You don t have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth... [V n] In… …   English dictionary

  • promote — /prə məυt/ verb to advertise ♦ to promote a new product to increase the sales of a new product by a sales campaign, by TV commercials or free gifts, or by giving discounts …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • promote — promotable, adj. promotability, n. /preuh moht /, v.t., promoted, promoting. 1. to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further: to promote world peace. 2. to advance in rank, dignity, position, etc. (opposed to demote). 3. Educ. to put ahead… …   Universalium

  • promote — pro•mote [[t]prəˈmoʊt[/t]] v. t. mot•ed, mot•ing 1) to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further: to promote world peace[/ex] 2) to advance in rank, dignity, position, etc 3) edu to advance to the next higher grade in a school 4) to aid in… …   From formal English to slang

  • promote — pro·mote || prÉ™ məʊt v. further, advance; advance in rank or position; foster sales through advertising, encourage sales; aid, help, assist; obtain through trickery (Slang) …   English contemporary dictionary

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