
ˈprɔmɪnəns сущ.
1) а) выступ, выдающаяся часть a rocky prominence ≈ скалистый выступ Syn : projection б) возвышение, выпуклость, неровность
2) выдающееся положение;
известность The importance of this event comes into historical prominence. ≈ Это событие занимает выдающееся место в истории. Syn : conspicuousness, distinction, notoriety
3) = protuberance
2) n
1) выдающееся положение;
to give ~ to продвигать;

2) выступ;

3) выпуклость, неровность ~ выдающееся положение;
to gain prominence завоевать, снискать известность;
to rise to prominence занять видное положение prominence = protuberance ~ выдающееся положение;
to gain prominence завоевать, снискать известность;
to rise to prominence занять видное положение ~ выпуклость, неровность, возвышение ~ выступ prominency: prominency = prominence prominence = protuberance protuberance: protuberance анат. бугорок, выступ;
мед. опухоль ~ выпуклость ~ астр. протуберанец ~ выдающееся положение;
to gain prominence завоевать, снискать известность;
to rise to prominence занять видное положение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prominence" в других словарях:

  • Prominence — Prom i*nence, Prominency Prom i*nen*cy, n. [L. prominentia: cf. F. prominence. See {Prominent}. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being prominent; a standing out from something; conspicuousness. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prominence — 1590s, from Fr. prominence (16c.), from L. prominentia a jutting out (see PROMINENT (Cf. prominent)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • prominence — [n1] something that sticks out bulge, bump, cliff, conspicuousness, crag, crest, elevation, eminence, headland, height, high point, jutting, markedness, mound, pinnacle, projection, promontory, protrusion, protuberance, rise, spur, swelling, tor; …   New thesaurus

  • prominence — I noun brilliancy, celebrity, character, clout, consequence, consideration, conspicuousness, cedit, distinction, eminence, emphasis, honor, fame, grandeur, greatness, height, illustriousness, import, importance, influence, majesty, notability,… …   Law dictionary

  • prominence — ► NOUN 1) the state of being prominent. 2) a thing that projects or protrudes …   English terms dictionary

  • prominence — [präm′ə nəns] n. [< MFr < L prominentia < prominens: see PROMINENT] 1. the state or quality of being prominent 2. something that is prominent or that sticks out, as a hill 3. Astron. any of the luminous clouds of solar gas arching from… …   English World dictionary

  • prominence — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great ▪ growing, increased, increasing ▪ equal ▪ special ▪ a performance which gi …   Collocations dictionary

  • prominence — prom|i|nence [ˈprɔmınəns US ˈpra: ] n 1.) [U] the fact of being important and well known prominence of ▪ the prominence of pressure groups as political forces come to/rise to/achieve prominence (as sth) ▪ She first came to prominence as an artist …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • prominence — n. 1) to acquire, gain prominence 2) to give prominence to (to give prominence to a story) * * * [ prɒmɪnəns] gain prominence to acquire to give prominence to (to give prominence to a story) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • prominence — noun 1 (U) the fact of being important and well known: come to/gain prominence (=become important and well known): Gandhi first came to prominence in South Africa in the 1920s. 2 give sth prominence/give prominence to sth to put something in a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • prominence — [[t]prɒ̱mɪnəns[/t]] N UNCOUNT If someone or something is in a position of prominence, they are well known and important. He came to prominence during the World Cup in Italy... Crime prevention had to be given more prominence …   English dictionary

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