- proletarianization
- ˌprəulɪtɛərɪənaɪˈzeɪʃən сущ. пролетаризация n пролетаризация proletarianization пролетаризация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Proletarianization — is a concept in Marxism and Marxist sociology. It refers to the social process whereby people move from being either an employer, self employed or unemployed to being employed as wage labor by an employer. In some cases, this would mean downward… … Wikipedia
proletarianization — (Amer.) n. process of becoming a member of the proletariat, transformation into a member of the working class (also proletarianisation) … English contemporary dictionary
proletarianization — This label is applied to the process by which sections of the middle class become absorbed into the working class . In The Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels argued that capitalism would encourage a… … Dictionary of sociology
proletarianization — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ənə̇ˈzāshən, ˌnīˈz noun ( s) Etymology: proletarianize + ation : a change or shift to the status or level of the proletariat the proletarianization of the middle class Daniel Lang a proletarianization of taste both in language… … Useful english dictionary
proletarianization — noun see proletarianize … New Collegiate Dictionary
proletarianization — pro·le·tar·i·an·i·za·tion … English syllables
proletarianized — proletarianization … Dictionary of sociology
proletarianize — proletarianization, n. /proh li tair ee euh nuyz /, v.t., proletarianized, proletarianizing. 1. to convert or transform into a member or members of the proletariat: to proletarianize the middle class. 2. to change to or adopt (the language,… … Universalium
ПРОЛЕТАРИЗАЦИЯ — (proletarianization) 1. (Марксизм) процесс сокращения промежуточных групп и классов (см. Промежуточная группа) по отношению к уровню лиц наемного труда вследствие неизбежной логики монополизации и капитализации. 2. (Современная социология)… … Большой толковый социологический словарь
ПРОЛЕТАРИЗАЦИЯ — (PROLETARIANIZATION) Процесс, в ходе которого части среднего класса поглощаются рабочим классом. Вопрос о пролетаризации широко обсуждался в 1970 1980 е гг., в частности марксистскими социологами. Критерии, используемые для определения того,… … Социологический словарь
proletarianizations — proletarianization (Amer.) n. process of becoming a member of the proletariat, transformation into a member of the working class (also proletarianisation) … English contemporary dictionary