projectively equal
Смотреть что такое "projectively equal" в других словарях:
Golden ratio — For the Ace of Base album, see The Golden Ratio (album). Not to be confused with Golden number. The golden section is a line segment divided according to the golden ratio: The total length a + b is to the length of the longer segment a as the… … Wikipedia
IEEE 754-1985 — The IEEE Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is the most widely used standard for floating point computation, and is followed by many CPU and FPU implementations. The standard defines formats for representing floating point… … Wikipedia
Special unitary group — In mathematics, the special unitary group of degree n , denoted SU( n ), is the group of n times; n unitary matrices with determinant 1. The group operation is that of matrix multiplication. The special unitary group is a subgroup of the unitary… … Wikipedia
Real projective line — In real analysis, the real projective line (also called the one point compactification of the real line, or the projectively extended real numbers ), is the set mathbb{R}cup{infty}, also denoted by widehat{mathbb{R and by mathbb{R}P^1.The symbol… … Wikipedia
E₈ — In mathematics, E8 is the name given to a family of closely related structures. In particular, it is the name of four exceptional simple Lie algebras as well as that of the six associated simple Lie groups. It is also the name given to the… … Wikipedia
Space (mathematics) — This article is about mathematical structures called spaces. For space as a geometric concept, see Euclidean space. For all other uses, see space (disambiguation). A hierarchy of mathematical spaces: The inner product induces a norm. The norm… … Wikipedia
Symplectic sum — In mathematics, specifically in symplectic geometry, the symplectic sum is a geometric modification on symplectic manifolds, which glues two given manifolds into a single new one. It is a symplectic version of connected summation along a… … Wikipedia
Pure spinor — In a field of mathematics known as representation theory pure spinors are spinor representations of the special orthogonal group that are annihilated by the largest possible subspace of the Clifford algebra. They were introduced by Elie Cartan in … Wikipedia
Rational normal curve — In mathematics, the rational normal curve is a smooth, rational curve C of degree n in projective n space mathbb{P}^n. It is a simple example of a projective variety. The twisted cubic is the special case of n =3.DefinitionThe rational normal… … Wikipedia