projective sheaf

projective sheaf
мат. проективный пучок

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "projective sheaf" в других словарях:

  • Projective space — In mathematics a projective space is a set of elements constructed from a vector space such that a distinct element of the projective space consists of all non zero vectors which are equal up to a multiplication by a non zero scalar. A formal… …   Wikipedia

  • Sheaf (mathematics) — This article is about sheaves on topological spaces. For sheaves on a site see Grothendieck topology and Topos. In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking locally defined data attached to the open sets of a topological space.… …   Wikipedia

  • Injective sheaf — In mathematics, injective sheaves of abelian groups are used to construct the resolutions needed to define sheaf cohomology (and other derived functors, such as sheaf Ext .). There is a further group of related concepts applied to sheaves: flabby …   Wikipedia

  • Complex projective space — The Riemann sphere, the one dimensional complex projective space, i.e. the complex projective line. In mathematics, complex projective space is the projective space with respect to the field of complex numbers. By analogy, whereas the points of a …   Wikipedia

  • Invertible sheaf — In mathematics, an invertible sheaf is a coherent sheaf S on a ringed space X , for which there is an inverse T with respect to tensor product of O X modules. That is, we have : S otimes; T isomorphic to O X , which acts as identity element for… …   Wikipedia

  • Proj construction — In algebraic geometry, Proj is a construction analogous to the spectrum of a ring construction of affine schemes, which produces objects with the typical properties of projective spaces and projective varieties. It is a fundamental tool in scheme …   Wikipedia

  • Ample line bundle — In algebraic geometry, a very ample line bundle is one with enough global sections to set up an embedding of its base variety or manifold M into projective space. An ample line bundle is one such that some positive power is very ample. Globally… …   Wikipedia

  • Blowing up — This article is about the mathematical concept of blowing up. For information about the physical/chemical process, see Explosion. For other uses of Blow up , see Blow up (disambiguation). Blowup of the affine plane. In mathematics, blowing up or… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of scheme theory — This is a glossary of scheme theory. For an introduction to the theory of schemes in algebraic geometry, see affine scheme, projective space, sheaf and scheme. The concern here is to list the fundamental technical definitions and properties of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of algebraic geometry topics — This is a list of algebraic geometry topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 Classical topics in projective geometry 2 Algebraic curves 3 Algebraic surfaces 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic variety — This article is about algebraic varieties. For the term a variety of algebras , and an explanation of the difference between a variety of algebras and an algebraic variety, see variety (universal algebra). The twisted cubic is a projective… …   Wikipedia

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