projective plane

projective plane
проективная плоскость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "projective plane" в других словарях:

  • Projective plane — See real projective plane and complex projective plane, for the cases met as manifolds of respective dimension 2 and 4 In mathematics, a projective plane has two possible definitions, one of them coming from linear algebra, and another (which is… …   Wikipedia

  • Fake projective plane — For Freedman s example of a non smoothable manifold with the same homotopy type as the complex projective plane, see 4 manifold. In mathematics, a fake projective plane (or Mumford surface) is one of the 50 complex algebraic surfaces that have… …   Wikipedia

  • Real projective plane — In mathematics, the real projective plane is the space of lines in R3 passing through the origin. It is a non orientable two dimensional manifold, that is, a surface, that has basic applications to geometry, but which cannot be embedded in our… …   Wikipedia

  • Oval (projective plane) — In mathematics, an oval in a projective plane is a set of points, no three collinear, such that there is a unique tangent line at each point (a tangent line is defined as a line meeting the point set at only one point, also known as a 1 secant).… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex projective plane — In mathematics, the complex projective plane, usually denoted CP2, is the two dimensional complex projective space. It is a complex manifold described by three complex coordinates where, however, the triples differing by an overall rescaling are… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective geometry — is a non metrical form of geometry, notable for its principle of duality. Projective geometry grew out of the principles of perspective art established during the Renaissance period, and was first systematically developed by Desargues in the 17th …   Wikipedia

  • Projective space — In mathematics a projective space is a set of elements constructed from a vector space such that a distinct element of the projective space consists of all non zero vectors which are equal up to a multiplication by a non zero scalar. A formal… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective transformation — A projective transformation is a transformation used in projective geometry: it is the composition of a pair of perspective projections. It describes what happens to the perceived positions of observed objects when the point of view of the… …   Wikipedia

  • projective geometry — the geometric study of projective properties. [1880 85] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between geometric figures and the images (mappings) of them that result from projection. Examples of projections include motion… …   Universalium

  • Plane at infinity — In projective geometry, the plane at infinity is a projective plane which is added to the affine 3 space in order to give it closure of incidence properties. The result of the addition is the projective 3 space, P^3 . If the affine 3 space is… …   Wikipedia

  • Plane curve — In mathematics, a plane curve is a curve in a Euclidean plane (cf. space curve). The most frequently studied cases are smooth plane curves (including piecewise smooth plane curves), and algebraic plane curves. A smooth plane curve is a curve in a …   Wikipedia

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