projective function

projective function
мат. проективная функция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "projective function" в других словарях:

  • Projective texture mapping — is a method of texture mapping that allows a textured image to be projected onto a scene as if by a slide projector. Projective texture mapping is useful in a variety of lighting techniques and it s the starting point for shadow… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective line — In mathematics, a projective line is a one dimensional projective space. The projective line over a field K , denoted P1( K ), may be defined as the set of one dimensional subspaces of the two dimensional vector space K 2 (it does carry other… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective space — In mathematics a projective space is a set of elements constructed from a vector space such that a distinct element of the projective space consists of all non zero vectors which are equal up to a multiplication by a non zero scalar. A formal… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective Hilbert space — In mathematics and the foundations of quantum mechanics, the projective Hilbert space P ( H ) of a complex Hilbert space H is the set of equivalence classes of vectors v in H , with v ne; 0, for the relation given by : v w when v = lambda; w with …   Wikipedia

  • Function field of an algebraic variety — In algebraic geometry, the function field of an algebraic variety V consists of objects which are interpreted as rational functions on V . In complex algebraic geometry these are meromorphic functions and their higher dimensional analogues; in… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex projective space — The Riemann sphere, the one dimensional complex projective space, i.e. the complex projective line. In mathematics, complex projective space is the projective space with respect to the field of complex numbers. By analogy, whereas the points of a …   Wikipedia

  • Regular function — In complex analysis, see holomorphic function. In mathematics, a regular function in the sense of algebraic geometry is an everywhere defined, polynomial function on an algebraic variety V with values in the field K over which V is defined. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Oval (projective plane) — In mathematics, an oval in a projective plane is a set of points, no three collinear, such that there is a unique tangent line at each point (a tangent line is defined as a line meeting the point set at only one point, also known as a 1 secant).… …   Wikipedia

  • Real projective space — In mathematics, real projective space, or RP n is the projective space of lines in R n +1. It is a compact, smooth manifold of dimension n , and a special case of a Grassmannian.ConstructionAs with all projective spaces, RP n is formed by taking… …   Wikipedia

  • Partition function (quantum field theory) — In quantum field theory, we have a generating functional, Z [J] of correlation functions and this value, called the partition function is usually expressed by something like the following functional integral::Z [J] = int mathcal{D}phi e^{i(S… …   Wikipedia

  • Duality (projective geometry) — A striking feature of projective planes is the symmetry of the roles played by points and lines in the definitions and theorems, and (plane) duality is the formalization of this metamathematical concept. There are two approaches to the subject of …   Wikipedia

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