projective embedding

projective embedding
мат. проективное вложение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "projective embedding" в других словарях:

  • Embedding — In mathematics, an embedding (or imbedding) is one instance of some mathematical structure contained within another instance, such as a group that is a subgroup.When some object X is said to be embedded in another object Y , the embedding is… …   Wikipedia

  • Embedding problem — In Galois theory, a branch of mathematics, the embedding problem is a generalization of the inverse Galois problem. Roughly speaking, it asks whether a given Galois extension can be embedded into a Galois extension in such a way that the… …   Wikipedia

  • Segre embedding — In mathematics, the Segre embedding is used in projective geometry to consider the cartesian product of two or more projective spaces as a projective variety. It is named after Corrado Segre. Contents 1 Definition 2 Discussion 3 Properties …   Wikipedia

  • Real projective plane — In mathematics, the real projective plane is the space of lines in R3 passing through the origin. It is a non orientable two dimensional manifold, that is, a surface, that has basic applications to geometry, but which cannot be embedded in our… …   Wikipedia

  • Plücker embedding — In the mathematical fields of algebraic geometry and differential geometry (as well as representation theory), the Plücker embedding describes a method to realise the Grassmannian of all k dimensional subspaces of a vector space V , such as R n… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitchell's embedding theorem — Mitchell s embedding theorem, also known as the Freyd–Mitchell theorem, is a result stating that every abelian category admits a full and exact embedding into the category of R modules. This allows one to use element wise diagram chasing proofs… …   Wikipedia

  • Whitney embedding theorem — In mathematics, particularly in differential topology,there are two Whitney embedding theorems:*The strong Whitney embedding theorem states that any connected smooth m dimensional manifold (required also to be Hausdorff and second countable) can… …   Wikipedia

  • Kodaira embedding theorem — In mathematics, the Kodaira embedding theorem characterises non singular projective varieties, over the complex numbers, amongst compact Kähler manifolds. In effect it says precisely which complex manifolds are defined by homogeneous… …   Wikipedia

  • Homogeneous coordinate ring — In algebraic geometry, the homogeneous coordinate ring R of an algebraic variety V given as a subvariety of projective space of a given dimension N is by definition the quotient ring R = K[X0, X1, X2, ..., XN]/I where I is the homogeneous ideal… …   Wikipedia

  • David Mumford — in 1975 Born 11 June 1937 (1937 06 11) (age 74) …   Wikipedia

  • Hodge index theorem — In mathematics, the Hodge index theorem for an algebraic surface V determines the signature of the intersection pairing on the algebraic curves C on V . It says, roughly speaking, that the space spanned by such curves (up to linear equivalence)… …   Wikipedia

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