
проективный, проекционный allowable projective resolution ≈ допустимая проективная резольвента atomic projective geometry ≈ атомическая проективная геометрия bounding projective chain ≈ ограничивающая проективная цепь centrally projective connectedness ≈ центропроективная связность completely projective moduleвполне проективный модуль exceptional projective line ≈ исключительная проективная прямая faithfully projective module ≈ вполне проективный модуль faithfully projective objectстрого проективный объект generic projective transformationобщее проективное преобразование n-way projective space ≈ n-кратное проектируемое пространство object of projective connectivityобъект проективной связности one-way projective space ≈ однократное проективное пространство point of projective planeточка проективной плоскости projective coordinate systemпроективная система координат projective curvature tensorтензор проективной кривизны projective geometry code ≈ проективно-геомет-рический код projective module group ≈ группа проективных модулей pure projective geometry ≈ чисто проективная геометрия pure projective group ≈ сервантно проективная группа quasipure projective group ≈ квазисервантно проективная группа quaternion projective space ≈ кватернионное проективное пространство relative projective object ≈ относительно проективный объект right projective module ≈ правый проективный модуль shunted projective space ≈ стянутое проективное пространство tensor of projective curvature ≈ тензор проективной кривизны thread of projective spectrumнить проекционного спектра totally projective group ≈ тотально проективная группа weakly projective complexслабо проективный комплекс weakly projective deformation ≈ слабо проективная деформация weakly projective module ≈ слабо проективный модуль - projective connection - projective connectivit - projective convergence - projective convexity - projective coordinates - projective coordinatization - projective correlation - projective correspondence - projective covariant - projective cover - projective cubic - projective curvature - projective cycle - projective deformation - projective determinacy - projective dilatation - projective dimension - projective element - projective embedding - projective envelope - projective equivalence - projective extremum - projective fibration - projective form - projective framing - projective function - projective game - projective generalization - projective generation - projective geometry - projective group - projective half-plane - projective hierarchy - projective homogeneity - projective homology - projective homomorphism - projective homothety - projective hyperplane - projective interval - projective invariance - projective invariant - projective isomorphism - projective lattice - projective lifting - projective limit - projective manifold - projective maximum - projective metric - projective model - projective module - projective morphism - projective motion - projective normal - projective object - projective operation - projective operator - projective ordering - projective parameter - projective pencil - projective plane - projective point - projective presheaf - projective quadric - projective quartic - projective quotient - projective relation - projective relational - projective representation - projective resolution - projective resolvent - projective scale - projective scheme - projective semiplane - projective set - projective sheaf - projective shift - projective space - projective spectrum - projective sphere - projective spray - projective structure - projective subdivision - projective sublimit - projective subspace - projective symmetry - projective system - projective tensor - projective topology - projective transformation - projective translation - projective transvection - projective tree - projective triangle - projective twistor - projective variety - projective zero - pure projective - quasipure projective - recursively projective - weakly projective (математика) проективный - * geometry проективная геометрия - * plane проективная плоскость выдающийся, выступающий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "projective" в других словарях:

  • projective — [prō jek′tiv, prəjek′tiv] adj. 1. of or made by projection 2. designating or of a type of psychological test, as the Rorschach test, in which any response the subject makes to the test material will be indicative of personality traits and… …   English World dictionary

  • projective — ● projectif, projective adjectif (de projection) Se dit des techniques ou des tests dont l objectif principal est l établissement d un diagnostic différentiel de l organisation de la personnalité. (Ce sont, pour l adulte, le Rorschach et le TAT.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • projective — adj. 1 Geom. a relating to or derived by projection. b (of a property of a figure) unchanged by projection. 2 Psychol. mentally projecting or projected (a projective imagination). Phrases and idioms: projective geometry the study of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • projective — adjective Date: 1682 1. relating to, produced by, or involving geometric projection 2. of or relating to something that indicates the psychodynamic constitution of an individual < projective tests > • projectively adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • projective — projection ► NOUN 1) an estimate or forecast based on present trends. 2) the projecting of an image, sound, etc. 3) a mental image viewed as reality. 4) the unconscious transfer of one s own desires or emotions to another person. 5) a protruding… …   English terms dictionary

  • Projective geometry — is a non metrical form of geometry, notable for its principle of duality. Projective geometry grew out of the principles of perspective art established during the Renaissance period, and was first systematically developed by Desargues in the 17th …   Wikipedia

  • Projective identification — (or PI) is a psychological term first introduced by Melanie Klein of the Object relations school of psychoanalytic thought in 1946. It refers to a psychological process in which a person engages in the ego defense mechanism projection in such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Projective texture mapping — is a method of texture mapping that allows a textured image to be projected onto a scene as if by a slide projector. Projective texture mapping is useful in a variety of lighting techniques and it s the starting point for shadow… …   Wikipedia

  • projective geometry — n. the branch of geometry dealing with those properties of a figure (projective properties) that do not vary when the figure is projected …   English World dictionary

  • projective test — projective tests …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Projective space — In mathematics a projective space is a set of elements constructed from a vector space such that a distinct element of the projective space consists of all non zero vectors which are equal up to a multiplication by a non zero scalar. A formal… …   Wikipedia

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