project pilot
Смотреть что такое "project pilot" в других словарях:
Project Pilot — Pilot Rakete unter F4D 1 Skyray der Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Pilot Rakete im Flug … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pilot (Rakete) — Pilot Rakete unter F4D 1 Skyray der Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake … Deutsch Wikipedia
project — n. organized undertaking 1) to conceive; draw up a project 2) to carry out a project 3) to shelve a project 4) an irrigation; land reclamation; pilot ( experimental ); public works; water conservation project publicly financed housing (AE) 5) a… … Combinatory dictionary
Project Mercury — Duration 1959 1963 Goal Place Americans into orbit for as long as one day Achievements First manned flight: May 5, 1961 First orbital flight … Wikipedia
Project 28 — is the name given to a U.S. border protection program that runs along a convert|28|mi|km|sing=on stretch of the US/Mexican border in southern Arizona.Randal C. Archibold, [ 28 Mile Virtual Fence Is … Wikipedia
pilot — pi‧lot [ˈpaɪlət] noun [countable] a test that is done to see if an idea, product etc will be successful: • If the pilots are successful, he hopes to go into full production next year. • The company has no plans to participate in a pilot project… … Financial and business terms
Project Sign — was an official U.S. government study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) undertaken by the United States Air Force in late 1947 and dissolved in late 1948. Formally, Project Sign came to no conclusion about UFOs [see Blum, Howard, Out There:… … Wikipedia
Project America — was the designation for a contract between American Classic Voyages (AMCV) and the Litton Ingalls Shipyard of Pascagoula, Mississippi. The contract was to build two cruise ships, with a GT|72,000|first=yes each, with an option for a third vessel … Wikipedia
Project Compass — is a UK charity which was set up in 2003. [ help/Ex Services Resources Booklet.pdf] . It was first run as a 12 month pilot project, based in London: this provided a template work across the United Kingdom. The… … Wikipedia
Project Halo — Project Halo, is a project funded by Paul Allen s Vulcan Ventures.The project was initially led by Oliver Roup and Noah Friedland but is currently led by Mark Greaves, a former DARPA Program Manager.Project Halo is an attempt to apply Artificial… … Wikipedia
Project Excelsior — was a series of high altitude parachute jumps made by Captain (later Colonel) Joseph Kittinger of the United States Air Force in 1959 and 1960 to test the Beaupre multi stage parachute system. In one of these jumps Kittinger set world records for … Wikipedia