program schedule

program schedule
программа передач

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "program schedule" в других словарях:

  • program — program, schedule, timetable, agenda denote a formulated plan listing things to be done or to take place, especially in their time order. Program is the term of widest application. It may refer to a mental plan or to one that is written or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • schedule — sched·ule / ske jülesp Brit she dyül/ n 1 a: a list or statement of supplementary details appended to another document b: a formal list, table, catalog, or inventory 2: a plan that indicates the time and sequence of each element schedule vt …   Law dictionary

  • program — [n1] agenda, list affairs, appointments, arrangements, bill, bulletin, business, calendar, card, catalog, chores, curriculum, details, docket, happenings, index, lineup, listing, meetings, memoranda, necessary acts*, order of business*, order of… …   New thesaurus

  • program — I noun agenda, arrangement, blueprint, calendar, campaign, catalogue, course, curriculum, design, docket, draft, list, order, outline, plan, policy, presentation, project, proposal, prospectus, schedule, series of events, set of tactics, strategy …   Law dictionary

  • schedule — [n] plan for one’s time agenda, appointments, calendar, catalog, chart, diagram, docket, inventory, itinerary, lineup*, list, order of business, program, record, registry, roll, roster, sked*, table, timetable; concepts 271,283,660 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • program — (Amer.) pro·gram || prəʊgræm n. plan, project,schedule, agenda, written order of events; public presentation; show that is broadcast on television or radio; planned group of activities; prospectus, syllabus; computer program (also programme)… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • program — [prō′gram΄, prō′grəm] n. [< LL & Fr: Fr programme < LL programma < Gr, edict < prographein, to write in public < pro , before + graphein, to write: see PRO 1 & GRAPHIC] 1. Obs. a) a proclamation b) a prospectus or syllabus …   English World dictionary

  • Program assurance — is a systematic approach to measure the success of a program.It is used for: *performing independent reviews and assessments for program performance, *ensuring implementation of robust risk management to address potential problems before they… …   Wikipedia

  • schedule — n 1 *list, table, catalog, register, roll, roster, inventory 2 *program, timetable, agenda …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Program Evaluation and Review Technique — For other uses, see Pert (disambiguation). PERT network chart for a seven month project with five milestones (10 through 50) and six activities (A through F). The Program (or Project) Evaluation and Review Technique, commonly abbreviated PERT, is …   Wikipedia

  • program — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. playbill, prospectus, syllabus; agenda; forecast, draft, outline. See plan, conduct. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A list of subjects] Syn. schedule, memoranda, printed program; see list , record 2 . 2. [A… …   English dictionary for students

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