program medium
Смотреть что такое "program medium" в других словарях:
medium-term note program — (MTN program) USA medium term notes are usually issued in connection with a medium term note program, a funding program used by issuers to receive bond debt funding on a regular and continuous basis. Their programs can include more than one… … Law dictionary
Medium (TV series) — Medium Format Supernatural drama Thriller Mystery Procedural drama Created by Glenn Gordon Caron … Wikipedia
Medium Extended Air Defense System — (MEADS) is a military project intended to replace the aging Patriot missile system through a NATO managed development. The USA, Germany and Italy are contributing toward the project. France, though initially in the project, withdrew some time ago … Wikipedia
Medium Rare (radio show) — Medium Rare was a Canadian radio program, which aired from 1987 to 1993. Produced by CHEZ FM in Ottawa, the program was syndicated to several radio stations across Canada. Hosted by CHEZ s news director, Ken Rockburn, the program was a two hour… … Wikipedia
medium term note — (MTN) A bearer negotiable debt security with a maturity of more than one year issued in the international capital markets to Eurobond investors, either as a single issue or as a series of issues under a medium term note programme. MTNs are… … Law dictionary
medium-term note — (MTN) A bearer negotiable debt security with a maturity of more than one year issued in the international capital markets to Eurobond investors, either as a single issue or as a series of issues under a medium term note programme. MTNs are… … Law dictionary
Medium Rare — may refer to: Medium rare, a degree of doneness used with cooking meat Medium Rare (film), a 1992 film from Singapore Medium Rare (radio show) (1987–1993), a radio program on CHEZ FM from Ottawa, Canada Medium Rare (Foo Fighters album), a 2011… … Wikipedia
program — [n1] agenda, list affairs, appointments, arrangements, bill, bulletin, business, calendar, card, catalog, chores, curriculum, details, docket, happenings, index, lineup, listing, meetings, memoranda, necessary acts*, order of business*, order of… … New thesaurus
Medium Term Note — A Medium Term Note (MTN) is a debt note that usually matures (is paid back) in 5 10 years, but the term may be as short as one year or as long as 50 years. They re normally issued on a floating basis such as Euribor +/ basis points. When they are … Wikipedia
Medium Mine Protected Vehicle — For other uses, see Mine Protected Vehicle (disambiguation). The Medium Mine Protected Vehicle (MMPV) is a class of armored vehicles currently being procured by the US Army, similar to the MRAP program, which is currently being pursued by the US… … Wikipedia
Medium Extended Air Defense System — Véhicule lance missile MEADS. Le Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) est un projet militaire destiné à remplacer les système de missiles sol air MIM 104 Patriot et MIM 23 Hawk qui à démarré en 1995. Les États Unis, l Allemagne et l Italie… … Wikipédia en Français