program cost

program cost
стоимость программы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "program cost" в других словарях:

  • Program cost —   Utility costs that reflect the total cash expenditures for the year, reported in nominal dollars, that flowed out to support DSM (demand side management) programs. They are reported in the year they are incurred, regardless of when the actual… …   Energy terms

  • cost-benefit — ¦ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, being, or resembling economic analysis that assigns a numerical value to the cost effectiveness of an operation, procedure, or program * * * ˈcost benefit [cost benefit cost benefits] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Program evaluation — is a formalized approach to studying the goals, processes, and impacts of projects, policies and programs. Program evaluation is used in the public and private sector and is taught in numerous universities. Evaluation became particularly relevant …   Wikipedia

  • Program Management — is the process of managing multiple ongoing inter dependent projects. An example would be that of designing, manufacturing and providing support infrastructure for an automobile manufacturer. This requires hundreds, or even thousands, of separate …   Wikipedia

  • Cost–benefit analysis — (CBA), sometimes called benefit–cost analysis (BCA), is a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project for two purposes: (1) to determine if it is a sound investment (justification/feasibility), (2) to see how… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost engineering — is an area of engineering practice concerned with the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of cost estimating, cost control, business planning and management science, profitability analysis, project management, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost–utility analysis — (CUA) is a form of financial analysis used to guide procurement decisions. The most common and well known application of this analysis is in pharmacoeconomics, especially health technology assessment (HTA). Contents 1 CUA in health economics 1.1… …   Wikipedia

  • cost — [kôst, käst] vt. cost, costing [ME costen < OFr coster < ML costare < L constare, to stand together, stand at, cost < com , together + stare, to STAND] 1. a) to be obtained or obtainable for (a certain price); be priced at b) to cause …   English World dictionary

  • Program assurance — is a systematic approach to measure the success of a program.It is used for: *performing independent reviews and assessments for program performance, *ensuring implementation of robust risk management to address potential problems before they… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost-plus contract — A cost plus contract, also termed a Cost Reimbursement Contract, is a contract where a contractor is paid for all of its allowed expenses to a set limit plus additional payment to allow for a profit.[1] Cost reimbursement contracts contrast with… …   Wikipedia

  • Program for Evaluating Complementary Medicine — In 1998, the Swiss government began a comprehensive Program for Evaluating Complementary Medicine (PEK : Programm Evaluation Komplementärmedizin = Program for Evaluating Complementary Medicine) to study the role and effectiveness of complementary …   Wikipedia

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