profit-and-loss balance
Смотреть что такое "profit-and-loss balance" в других словарях:
profit and loss account — index budget Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 profit and loss account … Law dictionary
profit and loss account — P & L account 1) An account in the books of an organization showing the profits (or losses) made on its business activities with the deduction of the appropriate expenses. 2) A statement of the profit (or loss) of an organization over a financial … Accounting dictionary
profit and loss account — P & L account 1) An account in the books of an organization showing the profits (or losses) made on its business activities with the deduction of the appropriate expenses. 2) A statement of the profit (or loss) of an organization over a financial … Big dictionary of business and management
Profit and Loss Statement - P&L — A financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time usually a fiscal quarter or year. These records provide information that shows the ability of a company to generate profit by… … Investment dictionary
profit and loss account — 1. A statement showing a company s income and expenditure over a period of time, usually one year. Part of the financial statements of the company. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary 2. A reserve in a company s balance sheet,… … Financial and business terms
profit and loss appropriation account — A statement showing how the net profits or losses have been dealt with. In a company, the retained earnings brought forward is added to the net profit for the year; from this total taxation and dividends paid and proposed are deducted; other… … Accounting dictionary
profit and loss — prof′it and loss′ n. bus the gain and loss arising from commercial transactions, esp. as shown on a balance sheet • Etymology: 1580–90 … From formal English to slang
profit and loss account reserve — A reserve that contains the balance of retained earnings to carry forward. It is fully distributable and shown as part of shareholders reserves on the balance sheet … Accounting dictionary
profit and loss statement — A statement of profits or losses on a company s sales, based on current operations. Losses may show up on this statement based on costs that are creating assets, to be shown on future balance sheets … Business law dictionary
balance sheet — bal·ance sheet n: a statement of financial condition at a given date Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. balance sheet … Law dictionary
balance — the amount of money remaining in an account. The total of your money in the bank after accounting for all transactions (deposits and withdrawals) is called a balance . Glossary of Business Terms A division of a Securities Account, of a type… … Financial and business terms