profit of margin
Смотреть что такое "profit of margin" в других словарях:
margin — noun 1 empty space at the side of a page in a book, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ generous, wide ▪ Leave a generous margin on the left. ▪ narrow ▪ left, right … Collocations dictionary
margin — The edge or border; the edge of a body of water where it meets the land. As applied to a boundary line of land, the margin of a river, creek, or other watercourse means the center of the stream. But in the case of a lake, bay, or natural pond,… … Black's law dictionary
margin — The edge or border; the edge of a body of water where it meets the land. As applied to a boundary line of land, the margin of a river, creek, or other watercourse means the center of the stream. But in the case of a lake, bay, or natural pond,… … Black's law dictionary
profit margin — noun the ratio gross profits divided by net sales (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑margin of profit, ↑gross margin • Hypernyms: ↑ratio * * * noun, pl ⋯ gins [count] : the difference between the cost of buying or making something and the price at which it is… … Useful english dictionary
profit — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, decent, enormous, fat, good, greater, handsome, healthy, hefty, high … Collocations dictionary
profit on manufacture — production profit The margin obtained when manufactured items or finished goods are transferred from the factory at a price in excess of the cost of production. The technique is used in organizations wishing to submit the production departments… … Big dictionary of business and management
Profit margin — Profit margin, net margin, net profit margin or net profit ratio all refer to a measure of profitability. It is calculated by finding the net profit as a percentage of the revenue.[1] Net profit Margin = (Net Income / Revenue) x100 The profit… … Wikipedia
margin — mar·gin / mär jən/ n 1: the difference between net sales and the cost of the merchandise sold from which expenses are usu. met or profits derived 2: the amount by which the market value of collateral is greater than the face value of a loan 3 a:… … Law dictionary
profit margin — profit margins N COUNT A profit margin is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producing and marketing it. The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year … English dictionary
profit — margin; profit margin For a single transaction or set of transactions, the excess of sales revenue over the costs of providing the goods or services sold. See gross profit; net profit For a period of trading, the surplus of net assets at the end… … Big dictionary of business and management
Margin — may refer to: Margin (economics) Margin (finance), a type of financial collateral used to cover credit risk Margin (typography), the white space that surrounds the content of a page Margin (machine learning), the distance between a decision… … Wikipedia