profit making company
Смотреть что такое "profit making company" в других словарях:
profit-making — ˈprofit ˌmaking adjective COMMERCE a profit making product, activity, organization etc is one that makes money, or one that exists in order to make money: • We concentrate on being a profit making company rather than on just chasing sales. • He… … Financial and business terms
profit-making — ADJ: usu ADJ n A profit making business or organization makes a profit. → See also non profit making He wants to set up a profit making company, owned mostly by the university … English dictionary
profit-making — UK US adjective a profit making event, business, or organization makes or is intended to make a profit Thesaurus: providing profitsynonym * * * ˈprofit making [profit making] adjective … Useful english dictionary
non-profit-making — also nonprofit making ADJ: usu ADJ n A non profit making organization or charity is not run with the intention of making a profit. [mainly BRIT] ...the Film Theatre Foundation, a non profit making company which raises money for the arts … English dictionary
profit-maker — profit making ˈprofit ˌmaking adjective COMMERCE a profit making product, activity, organization etc is one that makes money, or one that exists in order to make money: • We concentrate on being a profit making company rather than on just chasing … Financial and business terms
profit — total revenue less total expenses for a period of time calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Glossary of Business Terms Revenue minus cost. The amount one makes on a transaction. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary *… … Financial and business terms
profit — / prɒfɪt/ noun money gained from a sale which is more than the money spent on making the item sold or on providing the service offered ♦ profit after tax profit after tax has been paid ♦ to take your profit to sell shares at a higher price than… … Marketing dictionary in english
profit — / prɒfɪt/ noun money gained from a sale which is more than the money spent on making the item sold or on providing the service offered ♦ to take your profit to sell shares at a higher price than was paid for them, and so realise the profit,… … Dictionary of banking and finance
profit centre — noun A department or process in a business for which separate costs and revenue (and therefore profit) can be worked out • • • Main Entry: ↑profit * * * profit centre UK US noun [countable] [singular profit centre … Useful english dictionary
Profit (economics) — In economics, the term profit has two related but distinct meanings. Normal profit represents the total opportunity costs (both explicit and implicit) of a venture to an entrepreneur or investor, whilst economic profit (also abnormal, pure,… … Wikipedia
company — a business owned by a group of people called shareholders, which has its own legal identity separate from its owners. Glossary of Business Terms A proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other form of enterprise that engages in business.… … Financial and business terms