profit a prendre

profit a prendre
юр., фр. право использования (право использовать чужие земли в некоторых личных целях, а именно : выпас скота, ловля рыбы, сбор хвороста и т.д.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "profit a prendre" в других словарях:

  • profit a prendre — profit a pren·dre or profit à prendre / prä fət ä prän dər/ n pl profits à prendre or profits à prendre [Anglo French, literally, profit to be taken]: a right, privilege, or interest that allows one to use the soil or products (as fish and game)… …   Law dictionary

  • profit à prendre — profit a prendre profit a pren·dre or profit à prendre / prä fət ä prän dər/ n pl profits à prendre or profits à prendre [Anglo French, literally, profit to be taken]: a right, privilege, or interest that allows one to use the soil or products… …   Law dictionary

  • profit а prendre — n. French Profit to take. The right to take minerals, soil, trees, animals, or the like from the land of another. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

  • profit à prendre — A right exercised by one person in the soil of another, accompanied with participation in the profits of the soil or right to take a part of the produce of the land. 25 Am J2d Ease § 4. The power and privilege to acquire through severance… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • profit à prendre — noun see profit a prendre …   Useful english dictionary

  • profit a prendre — …   Useful english dictionary

  • profit — prof·it n 1: gain in excess of expenditures: as a: the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost b: net income from a business, investment, or capital appreciation compare earnings, loss …   Law dictionary

  • profit — Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e. net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Profit (real estate) — A profit (short for profit à prendre in Middle French for right of taking ), in the law of real estate, is a nonpossessory interest in land similar to the better known easement, which gives the holder the right to take natural resources such as… …   Wikipedia

  • profit — See profit a prendre; profits; transaction for profit …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • profit à rendre — The produce of the soil of his land which the tenant yielded up or rendered to him who had a profit a prendre in the land …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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