profile plane

profile plane
боковая плоскость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "profile plane" в других словарях:

  • Profile angle — The profile angle of a gear is the angle at a specified pitch point between a line tangent to a tooth surface and the line normal to the pitch surface (which is a radial line of a pitch circle). This definition is applicable to every type of gear …   Wikipedia

  • plane — 1. A two dimensional flat surface. See planum. 2. An imaginary surface formed by extension of a point through any axis or two definite points, in reference especially to craniometry and to pelvimetry. SYN: planum. [L. planus, flat] Addison …   Medical dictionary

  • profile — profiler, n. /proh fuyl/, n., v., profiled, profiling. n. 1. the outline or contour of the human face, esp. the face viewed from one side. 2. a picture or representation of the side view of a head. 3. an outlined view, as of a city or mountain. 4 …   Universalium

  • Profile gauge — A contour gauge set to the profile of a little pot A contour gauge …   Wikipedia

  • profile — pro•file [[t]ˈproʊ faɪl[/t]] n. v. filed, fil•ing 1) the outline or contour of the human face viewed from one side 2) a picture or representation of the side view of a head 3) an outlined view, as of a city or mountain 4) an outline of an object …   From formal English to slang

  • Profile topographique — Topographie La topographie est l art de la mesure puis de la représentation sur un plan ou une carte des formes et détails visibles sur le terrain, qu ils soient naturels (notamment le relief) ou artificiels (comme les bâtiments, les routes,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sediment Profile Imagery — (SPI) is an underwater technique for photographing the interface between the seabed and the overlying water. The technique is used to measure or estimate biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in the first few centimetres of… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper plane — This article is about toy aircraft fashioned from paper. For other uses, see Paper plane (disambiguation). Instructions for a traditional paper plane. A paper plane, paper aeroplane (UK), paper airplane (US), paper glider, paper dart or dart is a …   Wikipedia

  • Col de Joux Plane — Elevation 1700 m …   Wikipedia

  • Log wind profile — The Log wind profile is a semi empirical relationship used to describe the vertical distribution of horizontal wind speeds above the ground within the atmospheric surface layer. The relationship is well described in the planetary boundary layer… …   Wikipedia

  • 2006 New York City plane crash — The Belaire building after the f …   Wikipedia

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