- proficiency test
- экзамен по специальности (по иностранному языку и т. п.) ;
проверка квалификации (при приеме на работу) определение квалификации
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Japanese language proficiency test — Test d aptitude en japonais Le Test d Aptitude en Japonais (日本語能力試験, Nihongo nōryoku shiken?) est le test de maîtrise du japonais le plus populaire. Il est souvent désigné par son appellation en anglais Japanese Language Proficiency Test ou par l … Wikipédia en Français
Japanese Language Proficiency Test — Certificate of Proficiency awarded for passing the Level N1 JLPT conducted in 2010. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験, Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken … Wikipedia
Korean Language Proficiency Test — The Korean Language Proficiency Test, (ko hhrm|hangul=세계한국말인증시험) or KLPT, tests people who are not native speakers of Korean on their grasp of the language. The goal is to determine whether the test taker is proficient enough to live in Korea,… … Wikipedia
General English Proficiency Test — The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) [http://www.gept.org.tw/] is a test of English language proficiency that was commissioned by Taiwan s Ministry of Education in 1999. The GEPT was developed by the Language Training and Testing Center… … Wikipedia
English Language Proficiency Test — The English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) was the name of a SAT II last administered in January 2005. It was a one hour multiple choice test given on English language proficiency by The College Board. A student whose native language was not… … Wikipedia
Business Japanese Proficiency Test — The Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT, Lang ja|ビジネス日本語能力テスト) is a test administered by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), designed to objectively measure a persons proficiency at communication using Japanese in a business… … Wikipedia
Cycling Proficiency Test — The Cycling Proficiency Test was a test given by Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) which served as a minimum recommended standard for cycling on British roads. It has been superseded by the new National Standards for Cycle… … Wikipedia
Korean Language Proficiency Test — Der Korean Language Proficiency Test (KLPT) ist ein von der Korean Language Society durchgeführter Koreanisch Sprachtest. Der Test dient der Überprüfung der koreanischen Sprachkenntnisse von Nicht Muttersprachlern. Inhalt Der modular aufgebaute… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Japanese Language Proficiency Test — Die Japanisch Sprachprüfung Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT, jap. 日本語能力試験 nihongo nōryoku shiken) ist ein standardisierter Test zur Überprüfung der Kenntnisse der japanischen Sprache für Nicht Muttersprachler, hauptsächlich im Bereich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Secondary Level English Proficiency test — The Secondary Level English Proficiency Test is a test created by ETS and administered by American middle and high schools to applicants whose first language is not English. The test is equivalent to the TOEFL, which is administered by American… … Wikipedia
Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language — Logo of the TOP The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (formerly known as the Test Of Proficiency Huayu or TOP)[1] (Chinese: 華語文能力測驗; pinyin: Huáyǔwén Nénglì Cèyàn) is the Republic of China s (Taiwan s) Mandarin Chinese test. It is… … Wikipedia