production casing

production casing
эксплуатационная обсадная колонна

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "production casing" в других словарях:

  • Casing (borehole) — Casing is large diameter pipe that is assembled and inserted into a recently drilled section of a borehole and typically cemented into place.PurposeCasing that is cemented in place aids the drilling process in several ways: * Prevent… …   Wikipedia

  • Casing (sausage) — Casing from beef and ovine Casing, sausage casing, or sausage skin is the material that encloses the filling of a sausage. Casings are divided into two categories, natural and artificial. Artificial casings, such as collagen, cellulose, plastic,… …   Wikipedia

  • Production tubing — is a tubular used in a wellbore through which production fluids are produced.Production tubing is run into the drilled well after the casing is run and cemented in place. Along with other components that constitute the production string, it… …   Wikipedia

  • production string — noun The smallest casing in an oil well, reaching from the producing zone to the well head (also oil string) • • • Main Entry: ↑produce …   Useful english dictionary

  • Production packer — A production packer is a standard component of the completion hardware of oil or gas wells used to provide a seal between the outside of the production tubing and the inside of the casing, liner, or wellbore wall.Based on its primary use, packers …   Wikipedia

  • Casing head — A [ Casing head] is a large metal flange welded or screwed onto the top of the conductor pipe (also known as drive pipe ) or the casing and is used to bolt the surface equipment to.… …   Wikipedia

  • Production string — The production string is a part of an oil well that is composed of the production tubing and other completion components and serves as the conduit through which the production fluid flows from the oil reservoir to the surface through the wellhead …   Wikipedia

  • List of production topics — Production Contents 1 Overview 2 History 3 General concepts 3.1 Manufacturing and manufacturing systems …   Wikipedia

  • petroleum production — Introduction       recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth.        petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon material that is believed to have formed in deep sedimentary (sedimentary rock) beds from animal and …   Universalium

  • Music Production Center — An AKAI MPC2000 sampler Akai MPCs (originally MIDI Production Center, now Music Production Center) are a popular series of electronic musical instruments originally designed by Roger Linn and produced by the Japanese company Akai from 1988 onward …   Wikipedia

  • Depth of deepest production —   The depth of the deepest production is the length of the well bore measured (in feet) from the surface reference point to the bottom of the open hole or the deepest perforation in the casing of a producing well.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy… …   Energy terms

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