product yield
Смотреть что такое "product yield" в других словарях:
product yield — Смотри выход продукта … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
fission-product yield — dalijimosi našumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fission yield; fission product yield vok. Ausbeute der Spaltung, f; Spaltausbeute, f; Spaltproduktausbeute, f rus. выход продуктов деления, m pranc. rendement de fission, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
fission-product yield — dalijimosi produktų išeiga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fission product yield vok. Spaltproduktausbeute, f; Spaltungsausbeute, f rus. выход продуктов деления, m pranc. rendement de fission, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Fission product yield — Nuclear fission splits a heavy nucleus such as uranium or plutonium into two lighter nuclei, which are called fission products. Yield refers to the fraction of a fission product produced per fission.Yield can be broken down by: #Individual… … Wikipedia
Yield — may mean:* Crop yield, a measure of the output per unit area of land under cultivation * Maximum sustainable yield, the largest long term fishery catch that can be safely taken * Rolled throughput yield, a statistical tool in Six Sigma * Yield… … Wikipedia
Product engineering — refers to the process of designing and developing a device, assembly, or system such that it be produced as an item for sale through some production manufacturing process. Product engineering usually entails activity dealing with issues of cost,… … Wikipedia
yield — 1 / yēld/ vt: to produce as return from an expenditure or investment: furnish as profit or interest an account that yield s 6 percent vi 1: to give place or precedence (as to one having a superior right or claim) 2: to relinquish the floor of a… … Law dictionary
yield´er — yield «yeeld», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. a) to produce; bear: »This land yields good crops. Mines yield ores. SYNONYM(S): furnish, supply. b) to give in return; bring in: »an investment which yielded a large profit. c) to fill a need; furnish; afford … Useful english dictionary
yield — [yēld] vt. [ME yelden < OE gieldan, to pay, give, akin to Ger gelten, to be worth < IE base * ghel tō, (I) give, pay] 1. to produce; specif., a) to give or furnish as a natural process or as the result of cultivation [an orchard that… … English World dictionary
product — prod·uct / prä ˌdəkt/ n 1: the result of work or thought 2 a: the output of an industry or firm b: a thing created by manufacturing 3 in the civil law of Louisiana: something (as timber or a mineral) that is derived from something else and that… … Law dictionary
Yield elasticity of bond value — is the percentage change in bond value divided by a one per percentage change in the yield to maturity of the bond. This is equivalent to saying the derivative of value with respect to yield times the (interest rate/value). This is equal to the… … Wikipedia