product stock

product stock
запас нефтепродуктов;
нефтепродукты, хранящиеся на складе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "product stock" в других словарях:

  • Stock rotation — is the practice, used in hospitality and retail, especially in food stores such as restaurants and supermarkets, of moving products with an earlier sell by date to the front of a shelf (or in the cooler if the item is on repack so they get worked …   Wikipedia

  • Stock clearance — is an activity by a company where ownership of products and materials move on to another legal entity. These products and materials in stock clearance will not form the basis of a companies’ key activities. As such they are often end of line… …   Wikipedia

  • product — prod·uct / prä ˌdəkt/ n 1: the result of work or thought 2 a: the output of an industry or firm b: a thing created by manufacturing 3 in the civil law of Louisiana: something (as timber or a mineral) that is derived from something else and that… …   Law dictionary

  • Product churning — is the practice of selling more product than is beneficial to the consumer. An example is a stock broker who regularly buys and sells securities in a portfolio. It may or not be possible to gain, but the broker certainly receives commissions. It… …   Wikipedia

  • product substitution — ➔ substitution * * * product substitution UK US noun ► [C] COMMERCE a product that can be used instead of a similar product: »If an item is out of stock, a product substitution is offered in its place. ► [U] a situation where a cheap product has… …   Financial and business terms

  • stock-keeping unit — UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION SKU) COMMERCE, ACCOUNTING ► a product, or a particular size or model of a product, that a company has available for sale, considered as a single unit: »We are reducing the number of stock keeping units that we offer …   Financial and business terms

  • stock in trade — stock in trade: the equipment, merchandise, or materials necessary to or used in a trade or business Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. stock in trade I …   Law dictionary

  • Stock demands — the demand a customer has for a certain product or products. The demand is influenced by price, availability and position of the product in relation to the consumer …   Wikipedia

  • Stock Keeping Unit — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un SKU (acrónimo de Stock Keeping Unit) o número de referencia es un identificador usado en el Comercio con el objeto de permitir el seguimiento sistemático de los productos y servicios ofrecidos a los clientes. Cada …   Wikipedia Español

  • product — [n] result or goods created aftermath, amount, artifact, blend, brand, brew, by product, commodity, compound, concoction, confection, consequence, contrivance, creation, crop, decoction, device, effect, emolument, fabrication, fruit, gain,… …   New thesaurus

  • Stock-keeping unit — o SKU (en castellano número de referencia) es un identificador usado en el comercio con el objeto de permitir el seguimiento sistemático de los productos y servicios ofrecidos a los clientes. Cada SKU se asocia con un objeto, producto, marca,… …   Wikipedia Español

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