process step

process step

1. технологическая операция
2. технологический переход л. шаг обработки (данных)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "process step" в других словарях:

  • step — [step] n. [ME steppe < OE stepe, akin to Ger stapf < IE base * steb(h) , post (> STAMP): basic sense “to stamp feet”] 1. the act of moving and placing the foot forward, backward, sideways, up, or down, as in walking, dancing, or climbing …   English World dictionary

  • step-by-step — adjective one thing at a time (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑bit by bit, ↑in small stages, ↑piecemeal, ↑stepwise • Similar to: ↑gradual * * * | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : marked by successive degrees u …   Useful english dictionary

  • step — stepless, adj. steplike, adj. /step/, n., v., stepped, stepping. n. 1. a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as… …   Universalium

  • step by step — adverb a) from one stage to the next in sequence We were shown the process step by step. b) gradually and steadily …   Wiktionary

  • step*/*/*/ — [step] noun [C] I 1) a movement made by putting one foot in front of the other, or the sound that your feet make while you are walking I could hear the steps coming closer.[/ex] The postbox is just a few steps from my front door.[/ex] Tom took a… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Process architecture — is the structural design of general process systems and applies to fields such as computers (software, hardware, networks, etc.), business processes (enterprise architecture, policy and procedures, logistics, project management, etc.), and any… …   Wikipedia

  • process — pro·cess / prä ˌses, prō / n 1: a continuous operation, art, or method esp. in manufacture whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process...may obtain a patent therefor U.S. Code 2 a: procedure (1) see also …   Law dictionary

  • Process integration — is a term in chemical engineering which has two possible meanings.1. A holistic approach to process design which considers the interactions between different unit operations from the outset, rather than optimising them separately. This can also… …   Wikipedia

  • Step-growth polymerization — is a polymerization process that involves a chemical reaction between multifunctional monomer molecules. In a step growth reaction, the growing chains may react with each other to form even longer chains. This applies to chains of all lengths.… …   Wikipedia

  • Process optimization — is the discipline of adjusting a process so as to optimize some specified set of parameters without violating some constraint. The most common goals are minimizing cost, maximizing throughput, and/or efficiency. This is one of the major… …   Wikipedia

  • Process-centered design — (PCD) is a design methodology, which proposes a business centric approach for designing user interfaces. Because of the multi stage business analysis steps involved right from the beginning of the PCD life cycle, it is believed to achieve the… …   Wikipedia

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