process model
Смотреть что такое "process model" в других словарях:
process model — proceso modelis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. process model vok. Prozeßmodell, n rus. модель процесса, f pranc. modèle de procédé, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Process model (Australia) — A Process Model is a proposal to assist the Parliament of Australia make decisions concerning constitutional reform. In Australia, process models are devised to involve the public in republicanism.RationaleTo amend the Australian constitution, a… … Wikipedia
Normalization process model — The Normalization Process Model is a theory that explains how new technologies are embedded in health care work [1]. The model was developed by Carl R May and co workers [2], and is an empirically derived grounded theory in medical sociology and… … Wikipedia
Business Process Model and Notation — Die Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN, engl. Modellierungsnotation für Geschäftsprozesse) ist eine grafische Spezifikationssprache in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Sie stellt Symbole zur Verfügung, mit denen Fach und Informatikspezialisten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life-process model of addiction — The life process model of addiction is the view that addiction is not a disease but rather a habitual response and a source of gratification and security that can be understood only in the context of social relationships and experiences.This… … Wikipedia
Occupational Performance Process Model — Das Canadian Model of Occupational Performance kurz CMOP ist ein Instrument im Rahmen der Ergotherapie um klientenzentrierte Behandlungsleitlinien zu entwickeln. CMOP ist dabei keine konkrete Behandlungsmethode, sondern der Versuch, dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Process mining — techniques allow for the analysis of business processes based on event logs. They are often used when no formal description of the process can be obtained by other means, or when the quality of an existing documentation is questionable. For… … Wikipedia
Process specification — is a generic term for the specification of a process. Its context is not unique to business activity but can be applied to any organizational activity. Within some structured methods, the capitalized term Process Specification refers to a… … Wikipedia
Process merging — is a technique that brings together several existing process models and creates a new process model. The new process model incorporates activities of the existing process models … Wikipedia
SWAT Team (process model) — In Software Engineering, a SWAT Team ( S killed W ith A dvanced T ools) is an organizational structure model usually applied in evolutionary and iterative software development processes such as RUP and agile software… … Wikipedia
Process modeling — The term process model is used in different contexts. For example, in business process modeling the enterprise process model is often referred to as the business process model . Process models are core concepts in the discipline of Process… … Wikipedia