proceeds of activity
Смотреть что такое "proceeds of activity" в других словарях:
proceeds — pro·ceeds / prō ˌsēdz/ n pl 1: money or other property received as the result of a sale or other transaction esp. involving collateral retain a security interest in the proceeds of collateral 2: money received from an insurance policy Merriam… … Law dictionary
proceeds — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ money obtained from an event or activity … English terms dictionary
proceeds — Money or property received when collateral is sold, exchanged, or collected. American Banker Glossary money received by the seller of an asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * proceeds pro‧ceeds [ˈprəʊsiːdz ǁ ˈproʊ ] noun [plural] 1. FINANCE … Financial and business terms
proceeds — pro|ceeds [ prou,sidz ] noun plural * money that a person or organization makes from selling or winning something, or from organizing an event or activity: The proceeds will go to the school for refugee children. proceeds from: his share of the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
proceeds */ — UK [ˈprəʊˌsiːdz] / US [ˈproʊˌsɪdz] noun [plural] money that a person or organization makes from selling or winning something, or from organizing an event or activity The proceeds will go to the school for refugee children. proceeds from: his… … English dictionary
proceeds — [ prəʊsi:dz] plural noun money obtained from an event or activity. Origin C17: plural of the obs. noun proceed, in the same sense, earlier meaning procedure … English new terms dictionary
Scandinavian activity theory — is a derivation of Soviet Activity theory, a psychological meta theory, paradigm, or framework, with its roots in the Soviet psychologist Vygotsky s cultural historical psychology.HistoryActivity theory as it was developed by Leont ev and… … Wikipedia
Downe Scout Activity Centre — Downe Owner … Wikipedia
Play (activity) — Play is a rite and a quality of mind in engaging with one s worldview. Play may consist of amusing, pretend or imaginary interpersonal and intrapersonal interactions or interplay. The rites of play are evident throughout nature and are perceived… … Wikipedia
criminal proceeds — Benefit from a criminal or illegal activity. London Stock Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
proceed — ♦♦♦ proceeds, proceeding, proceeded (The verb is pronounced [[t]prəsi͟ːd[/t]]. The plural noun in meaning 5 is pronounced [[t]pro͟ʊsiːdz[/t]].) 1) VERB If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first. [V to inf]… … English dictionary