Смотреть что такое "problemist" в других словарях:
problemist — PROBLEMÍST, Ă, problemişti, ste, s.m. şi f. Specialist în elaborarea de probleme în domeniul şahului sau al matematicii. – Problemă + suf. ist. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 18.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 problemíst s. m. (sil. ble ), pl. problemíşti Trimis … Dicționar Român
problemist — problèmist (problemȉst) m DEFINICIJA term. onaj koji se bavi sastavljanjem i rješavanjem šahovskih problema ETIMOLOGIJA vidi problem … Hrvatski jezični portal
problèmist — (problemı̏st) m term. onaj koji se bavi sastavljanjem i rješavanjem šahovskih problema … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
problemist — prob·lem·ist … English syllables
problemíst — a m (ȋ) šah. sestavljavec problemov: srečanje problemistov / društvo šahovskih problemistov … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
problemist — ˈpräblə̇mə̇st noun ( s) : one that specializes in studying or composing problems; especially : a composer or solver of chess problems … Useful english dictionary
The Problemist — is a chess problem magazine which has been in publication since January 1926. It originally had the subtitle Proceedings of the British Chess Problem Society but the words Proceedings of were dropped in January 1985.The foreword to the first… … Wikipedia
The Problemist — est une revue de problèmes d échecs fondée par Thomas Dawson qui parait de façon continue depuis janvier 1926. Elle portait originellement le sous titre Proceedings of the British Chess Problem Society, puis les mots Proceedings of ont été… … Wikipédia en Français
Nenad Petrović (chess problemist) — Nenad Petrović Nenad Petrović, (Zagreb, Austria Hungary (now Croatia), September 7, 1907 – Zagreb, November 9, 1989) was a Croatian chess problemist. Nenad Petrović was the first Croatian Grandmaster of chess composition[1] … Wikipedia
Charles Bent (chess problemist) — For the governor of New Mexico, see Charles Bent Charles Michael Bent was an English composer of chess endgame studies. He was born in Newbury, Berkshire on November 27, 1919 and died on December 28, 2004 in a motorway accident.[1] Bent was the… … Wikipedia
Norman Macleod (chess problemist) — Norman Macleod (on the right with Bo Lindgren) in 1990 in Benidorm Norman Alasdair Macleod (* 6 December 1927 in Glasgow; † 2 October 1991) was Scottish chess player and chess composer. He gained title International Grandmaster FIDE in 1993 … Wikipedia