- probably
- ˈprɔbəblɪ нареч. вероятно, наверное it will probably rain ≈ наверное пойдет дождь вероятно - most * по всей вероятности - it will * rain вероятно, пойдет дождь probably вероятно
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Probably — may refer to: * Probability, the chance that something is likely to happen or be the case * Probably (South Park), an episode of the television series South Park * Probably (Fool s Garden song), a single by German pop band Fool s Garden … Wikipedia
Probably — Prob a*bly, adv. In a probable manner; in likelihood. [1913 Webster] Distinguish between what may possibly and what will probably be done. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
probably — (adv.) mid 15c., plausibly, from PROBABLE (Cf. probable) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). As a general purpose qualifier, 1610s … Etymology dictionary
probably — [adv] likely to happen apparently, as likely as not, assumably, as the case may be, believably, dollars to doughnuts*, doubtless, expediently, feasibly, imaginably, in all likelihood, in all probability, like enough, maybe, most likely, no doubt … New thesaurus
probably — ► ADVERB ▪ almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell … English terms dictionary
probably — prob|a|bly [ prabəbli ] adverb *** used for saying that you think something is likely: You ll probably be gone by the time I get back. It s probably the most important game either team has faced for a long time. I ll cook a meal, probably lasagna … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
probably */*/*/ — UK [ˈprɒbəblɪ] / US [ˈprɑbəblɪ] adverb used for saying that you think something is likely You ll probably be gone by the time I get back. It s probably the most important match either team has faced for a long time. I ll cook a meal, probably a… … English dictionary
probably — prob|a|bly W1S1 [ˈprɔbəbli US ˈpra: ] adv used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc ▪ It will probably take about a week. ▪ This would probably be a good time to take a break. ▪ It s probably the best movie I have ever … Dictionary of contemporary English
probably — [[t]prɒ̱bəbli[/t]] ♦ 1) ADV GRADED: ADV with cl/group (vagueness) If you say that something is probably the case, you think that it is likely to be the case, although you are not sure. The White House probably won t make this plan public until… … English dictionary
probably — adverb (sentence adverb) used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc: I probably still have my old army pictures. | Probably the best way to learn Spanish is by actually going to live in Spain. | “Do you think you ll… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
probably — adverb Date: 1613 insofar as seems reasonably true, factual, or to be expected ; without much doubt < is probably happy > < it will probably rain > … New Collegiate Dictionary