probable reserves

probable reserves
прогнозные запасы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "probable reserves" в других словарях:

  • Probable Reserves — After an oil exploration firm conducts a seismic survey of a piece of land, it obtains the proven and probable reserves in that area. Probable reserves are those which have a 50% chance of being present. For example if an oil company believes… …   Investment dictionary

  • Reserves, coal —   Quantities of unextracted coal that comprise the demonstrated base for future production, including both proved and probable reserves. Also see Proved energy reserves; Probable energy reserves; Energy reserves; Proved (measured) reserves, coal; …   Energy terms

  • RÉSERVES PHYSIOLOGIQUES - Réserves animales — Alors que les besoins nutritionnels, et surtout les besoins énergétiques, des animaux sont permanents, leur alimentation est au contraire discontinue. La mise en réserve temporaire est donc une nécessité vitale. Les composés mis en réserve… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Probable (indicated) reserves, coal —   Reserves or resources for which tonnage and grade are computed partly from specific measurements, samples, or production data and partly from projection for a reasonable distance on the basis of geological evidence. The sites available are too… …   Energy terms

  • Réserves pétrolières — Réserve pétrolière ██████████ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Reserves — (gas, oil) are the amount of a subsurface resource in the Earth defined according to geological exploration data and during the development process. Reserves are measured in volume and mass units; natural gas – in cubic meters, oil – in tons, gas …   Glossary of Oil and Gas

  • Probable energy reserves —   Estimated quantities of energy sources that, on the basis of geologic evidence that supports projections from proved reserves, can reasonably be expected to exist and be recoverable under existing economic and operating conditions. Site… …   Energy terms

  • Oil reserves — Proven Oil Reserves, as published by the CIA Factbook, 2009 The total estimated amount of oil in an oil reservoir, including both producible and non producible oil, is called oil in place. However, because of reservoir characteristics and… …   Wikipedia

  • Proven Reserves — After an oil exploration firm conducts a seismic survey on a piece of land, it obtains the proven and probable reserves in that area. Proven reserves are those which have an over 90% chance of being present. For example if a oil company believes… …   Investment dictionary

  • Possible Reserves — An estimate of the amount of oil or natural gas reserves that may be available for extraction. Reserve figures are broken into two primary categories according to theoretical accuracy: proved and unproved. Unproved reserves carry more uncertainty …   Investment dictionary

  • Energy Reserves —   The portion of total energy resources that is known and can be recovered with presently available technology at an affordable cost.   ***   Estimated quantities of energy sources that are demonstrated to exist with reasonable certainty on the… …   Energy terms

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