probability rate

probability rate
мат. вероятностный показатель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "probability rate" в других словарях:

  • Rate–distortion theory — is a major branch of information theory which provides the theoretical foundations for lossy data compression; it addresses the problem of determining the minimal amount of entropy (or information) R that should be communicated over a channel, so …   Wikipedia

  • Probability distribution — This article is about probability distribution. For generalized functions in mathematical analysis, see Distribution (mathematics). For other uses, see Distribution (disambiguation). In probability theory, a probability mass, probability density …   Wikipedia

  • Probability current — In quantum mechanics, the probability current (sometimes called probability flux) is a concept describing the flow of probability density. In particular, if one pictures the probability density as an inhomogeneous fluid, then the probability… …   Wikipedia

  • Rate function — In mathematics mdash; specifically, in large deviations theory mdash; a rate function is a function used to quantify the probabilities of rare events. It is required to have several nice properties which assist in the formulation of the large… …   Wikipedia

  • Probability interpretations — The word probability has been used in a variety of ways since it was first coined in relation to games of chance. Does probability measure the real, physical tendency of something to occur, or is it just a measure of how strongly one believes it… …   Wikipedia

  • probability theory — Math., Statistics. the theory of analyzing and making statements concerning the probability of the occurrence of uncertain events. Cf. probability (def. 4). [1830 40] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis of random events.… …   Universalium

  • probability and statistics — ▪ mathematics Introduction       the branches of mathematics concerned with the laws governing random events, including the collection, analysis, interpretation, and display of numerical data. Probability has its origin in the study of gambling… …   Universalium

  • Probability-generating function — In probability theory, the probability generating function of a discrete random variable is a power series representation (the generating function) of the probability mass function of the random variable. Probability generating functions are… …   Wikipedia

  • Probability measure — In some cases, statistical physics uses probability measures, but not all measures it uses are probability measures.[1][2] In mathematics, a probability measure is a real valued function defined on a set …   Wikipedia

  • rate — 1. A record of the measurement of an event or process in terms of its relation to some fixed standard; measurement is expressed as the ratio of one quantity to another ( e.g., velocity, distance per unit …   Medical dictionary

  • Rate Level Risk — A type of interest rate risk which asserts that the characteristics of interest rate fluctuation are variable (as opposed to constant) over a period of time. Although interest rates are expected to fluctuate over the period of an investment, the… …   Investment dictionary

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