- proactive
- прил. профилактический, предупреждающий, упреждающий (о мерах, действиях предупредительного характера)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
proactive — pro‧ac‧tive [prəʊˈæktɪv ǁ proʊ ] adjective approving doing something to influence or make changes happen and being prepared for change to happen: • For our guarantee to be effective, our employees had to adopt a more proactive attitude toward… … Financial and business terms
proactive — proactive1 [prō ak′tiv] adj. [ PRO 2 + active, as in REACTIVE] assuming an active, rather than passive, role in doing, accomplishing, etc.; taking the initiative [a proactive approach to fighting drug abuse] proactive2 [prō ak′tiv] adj. [ PRO 1 + … English World dictionary
proactive — is a vogue word, formed on the analogy of reactive, that came into prominence in the 1970s, and is used to mean ‘creating or controlling a situation by taking the initiative’, usually in the context of business administration: • a new kind of… … Modern English usage
proactive — (adj.) also pro active, 1933, in psychology (learning theory), from PRO (Cf. pro ) + ACTIVE (Cf. active). Of persons or policies, as an opposition to REACTIVE (Cf. reactive), attested from 1971. Related: Proactively; proactiveness; proactivity … Etymology dictionary
proactive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it. DERIVATIVES proactively adverb … English terms dictionary
Proactive — The word proactive sometimes also written pro active was used by the Austrian existential neuropsychiatrist [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E00E1DF1530F937A3575AC0A961958260 sec= spon= pagewanted=2 Dr. Viktor Emil Frankl] , in… … Wikipedia
ProActive — Infobox Software name = ProActive caption = collapsible = developer = OW2 Consortium latest release version = latest release date = latest preview version = latest preview date = operating system = Cross platform programming language = Java genre … Wikipedia
Proactive — Proactif Voir « proactif » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
proactive — [[t]proʊæ̱ktɪv[/t]] ADJ GRADED Proactive actions are intended to cause changes, rather than just reacting to change. In order to survive the competition a company should be proactive not reactive... Industry must adopt a much more proactive… … English dictionary
proactive — adjective Date: 1933 1. [pro (I)] relating to, caused by, or being interference between previous learning and the recall or performance of later learning < proactive inhibition of memory > 2. [pro (II) + reactive] acting in anticipation of future … New Collegiate Dictionary
proactive — /proh ak tiv/, adj. serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, esp. a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime. [1930 35; PRO 1 + ACTIVE] * * * … Universalium