pro rate
Смотреть что такое "pro rate" в других словарях:
pro|rate — «proh RAYT, PROH RAYT», transitive verb, intransitive verb, rat|ed, rat|ing. to distribute or assess proportionally: »We prorated the money according to the number of days each had worked. He is perfectly willing to prorate the special assessment … Useful english dictionary
pro rate — To divide, share, or distribute proportionally; to assess or apportion pro rata. The act of adjusting, dividing or prorating property taxes, interest, insurance premiums, rental income, etc., between buyer and seller proportionately to time of… … Black's law dictionary
pro·rate — … Useful english dictionary
pro-rate — … Useful english dictionary
Pro rata — is an adverb or adjective, meaning in proportion . [ [ Farlex s The Free Dictionary] ] The term is used in many legal and economic contexts, and sometimes spelled pro rata .Meanings of Pro rataMore… … Wikipedia
pro — pro·bate; pro·ba·tion·ary; pro·bos·cid·ea; pro·bos·ci·de·an; pro·ca·vi·id; pro·ce·dur·al; pro·ce·dure; pro·ceed; pro·ce·leus·mat·ic; pro·cess; pro·ces·sion; pro·ces·sion·al; pro·chordate; pro·claim; pro·clit·ic; pro·coe·lia; pro·coe·li·an;… … English syllables
rate — ac·cu·rate; ac·cu·rate·ly; ac·cu·rate·ness; ace·to·bu·ty·rate; ame·lio·rate; au·rate; bar·bi·tu·rate; be·rate; bi·fo·rate; bo·rate; cal·ca·rate; cap·rate; car·bu·rate; chlo·rate; cir·rate; col·lab·o·rate; col·lec·to·rate; com·mem·o·rate;… … English syllables
pro rata — /prow reyta/ Proportionately; according to a certain rate, percentage, or proportion. According to measure, interest, or liability. According to a certain rule or proportion. For example, if a corporation has ten shareholders each of whom owns… … Black's law dictionary
Pro-Rata — Used to describe a proportionate allocation. A method of assigning an amount to a fraction, according to its share of the whole. For example, a pro rata dividend means that every shareholder gets an equal proportion for each share he or she owns … Investment dictionary
pro rata — pro ra·ta /ˌprō rā tə, rä , ra / adv [Latin]: proportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (as share or liability) pro rata adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Pro se legal representation in the United States — Pro se legal representation refers to the instance of a person representing himself or herself without a lawyer in a court proceeding, whether as a defendant or a plaintiff and whether the matter is civil or criminal. Pro se is a Latin phrase… … Wikipedia