privy parts
Смотреть что такое "privy parts" в других словарях:
privy parts — the human genitalia An older version of private parts: He moved their privy parts to the front. (Plato, in translation, reporting some genetic engineering by Zeus) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
privy parts — private parts, genitals, sex organs … English contemporary dictionary
privy parts — /prɪvi ˈpats/ (say privee pahts) noun → private parts …
privy parts — noun plural : part 1d(3) … Useful english dictionary
Privy Council of Sweden — The High Council of Sweden or Council of the Realm (in Swedish Riksrådet until 1687; sometimes Latinised as Senatus Regni Sueciae ) consisted originally of those men of noble, common and clergical background, that the king saw fit for advisory… … Wikipedia
private parts — the human genitalia Those not normally exposed to public gaze. Also as privates: No more private selves, no more private corners in society, no more private properties, no more private acts. No more private parts, said Barbara.… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
private parts — Synonyms and related words: bag, ballocks, balls, basket, beard, breasts, cervix, clitoris, cod, cods, cullions, family jewels, female organs, gonads, labia, labia majora, labia minora, lingam, lips, male organs, meat, nuts, nymphae, ovary, parts … Moby Thesaurus
private parts — /praɪvət ˈpats/ (say pruyvuht pahts) plural noun the external sexual organs. Also, privy parts, privates …
Повешение, потрошение и четвертование — Казнь Хью ле Диспенсера Младшего (1326). Миниатюра из … Википедия
secret — Synonyms and related words: abstract, abstruse, arcane, arcanum, beclouded, behind the curtain, behind the scenes, blind, buried, by stealth, cabala, cabalistic, camouflaged, censored, clandestine, classified, classified information, close,… … Moby Thesaurus
Plague of Athens — The Plague of Athens was a devastating epidemic which hit the city state of Athens in ancient Greece during the second year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC), when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach. It is believed to have entered… … Wikipedia