Смотреть что такое "private-ownership" в других словарях:
private ownership — ➔ ownership … Financial and business terms
private ownership — ownership by a private individual … English contemporary dictionary
private ownership — /ˌpraɪvət əυnəʃɪp/ noun a situation where a company is owned by private shareholders … Dictionary of banking and finance
remove from private ownership — index nationalize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ownership — own‧er‧ship [ˈəʊnəʆɪp ǁ ˈoʊnər ] noun [uncountable] COMMERCE the state of owning something: • Car ownership by teenagers tripled during the decade. • Home ownership is more common in Britain than in Europe generally. • Limited partnerships give… … Financial and business terms
Private protected areas of India — refer to protected areas inside India whose land rights are owned by an individual or a corporation / organization, and where the habitat and resident species are offered some kind of protection from exploitative activities like hunting, logging … Wikipedia
private — [prī′vət] adj. [ME pryvat < L privatus, belonging to oneself, not to the state < privare, to separate, deprive < privus, separate, peculiar, prob. akin to OL pri: see PRIME] 1. of, belonging to, or concerning a particular person or… … English World dictionary
Private ship — is a term used in the British Royal Navy to describe that status of a commissioned warship in active service that is not currently serving as the flagship of a flag officer (i.e., an admiral or commodore). [A straightforward definition of the… … Wikipedia
Ownership — Own redirects here. For other uses, see OWN (disambiguation). For ownership of articles in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Ownership of articles … Wikipedia
private — [[t]pra͟ɪvɪt[/t]] ♦♦ privates 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Private industries and services are owned or controlled by an individual person or a commercial company, rather than by the state or an official organization. ...a joint venture with private… … English dictionary
Private library — A private library is a library under the care of private ownership, as compared to that of a public institution, and is usually only established for the use of a small number of people, or even a single person. As with public libraries, some… … Wikipedia