Смотреть что такое "prioritizing" в других словарях:
prioritizing — prioritize (Amer.) praɪ É”rÉ™taɪz / É’r v. set priorities, organize according to importance (also prioritise) … English contemporary dictionary
Ранжирование проблем — (prioritizing problems) – этап ПРОБЛЕМО ЦЕНТРИРОВАННОЙ РАБОТЫ, когда КЛИЕНТ и специалист составляют список проблем, выделяя среди них две три наиболее острые, которые клиент желал бы разрешить в первую очередь. Сложные проблемы можно подразделить … Словарь-справочник по социальной работе
Marungulam — village Coordinates Country India State Tamil Nadu … Wikipedia
Anarchist communism — Not to be confused with Libertarian communism or Libertarian Communism (journal) . Part of a series on Anarcho C … Wikipedia
Digital strategy — In the fields of strategic management, marketing strategy and operational strategy, digital strategy is the process of specifying an organization s vision, goals, opportunities and initiatives in order to maximize the business benefits digital… … Wikipedia
Human security — is an emerging paradigm for understanding global vulnerabilities whose proponents challenge the traditional notion of national security by arguing that the proper referent for security should be the individual rather than the state. Human… … Wikipedia
Requirement prioritization — is used in Software product management for determining which candidate requirements of a software product should be included in a certain release. Requirements are also prioritized to minimize risk during development so that the most important or … Wikipedia
Pamela Darling — Pamela W. Darling(1943 ) was an American library preservation specialist. She was a leader in developing preservation procedures and planning for academic libraries. She developed a grid that is helpful in prioritizing preservation activities.… … Wikipedia
Time management — is commonly defined as the various means by which people effectively use their time and other closely related resources in order to make the most out of it. [The Concise Dictionary of Business Management, by David A. Statt, Taylor Francis Group… … Wikipedia
Quality function deployment — (QFD) was originally developed in Japan by Yoji Akao in 1966 when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in Value Engineering. Mr. Akao described QFD as a “method to transform… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Systems Development Method — (DSDM) is a software development approach originally based upon the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. DSDM is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasizes continuous user involvement. Its goal is to deliver software… … Wikipedia