- printers
- Принтеры
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Printers — (engl.), glatter, ungebleichter Kattun, der später bedruckt werden soll … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Printers — Prịn|ters <Pl.> [engl. printers]: ungebleichter Kattun für den Zeugdruck … Universal-Lexikon
Printers — Prin|ters die (Plur.) <aus engl. printers zu print »bedruckter Kattun«> ungebleichter Kattun für die Zeugdruckerei … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
PRINTERS' MARKS — PRINTERS MARKS, the devices or badges used by early printers to distinguish their productions. The first known printers mark in Hebrew printing is the lion rampant within a red shield, which was used by Eliezer Alantansi at Híjar in and after… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
printers ink statute — Statutes enacted in a number of states making it a misdemeanor to use representations that are untrue, deceptive, or misleading in advertisements. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. printers ink statute … Law dictionary
Printers Inc. Bookstore — Infobox Company name = Printers Inc. Bookstore type = Private subsidiary genre = foundation = Palo Alto, California (1978) founder = location city = location country = location = 310 California Ave, Palo Alto, California U.S. 301 Castro Street,… … Wikipedia
Printers key — The printers key, also known as the number line, is a convention that publishers started to use after World War II (1945) to indicate the print run of a book. It is found on the copyright page (the verso of the title page).Usually it is a series… … Wikipedia
Printers Devil, Bristol — Infobox Historic building caption= name= Printers Devil location town=Bristol location country=England architect= client= engineer= construction start date= completion date= date demolished= cost= structural system= style= size= map type=Bristol… … Wikipedia
printers — print·er || prɪntÉ™(r) n. computer peripheral used for exporting documents to paper; owner of a printing press; imprinter, one who stamps or imprints with ink … English contemporary dictionary
printers — 1) reprints 2) sprinter … Anagrams dictionary
printers — print·ers … English syllables