principal issue

principal issue
основной выпуск

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "principal issue" в других словарях:

  • principal — principal, ale, aux [ prɛ̃sipal, o ] adj. et n. • 1119; « princier » 1080; lat. principalis « principal, du prince », de princeps I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui est le plus important, le premier parmi plusieurs. ⇒ 1. capital, essentiel, fondamental, primordial …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Principal components analysis — Principal component analysis (PCA) is a vector space transform often used to reduce multidimensional data sets to lower dimensions for analysis. Depending on the field of application, it is also named the discrete Karhunen Loève transform (KLT),… …   Wikipedia

  • Principal Speaker — Principal Speakers were the public spokespersons of the Green Party of England and Wales but have since been replaced in the party by a national Leader and Deputy Leader. There were two Principal Speakers, one female and one male, who were… …   Wikipedia

  • issue of execution — the sealing of a writ by an officer of the appropriate office (i.e. the district registry where the cause or matter is proceeding, the principal registry of the Family Division, the Admiralty Registry or the Central Office, as the case may be).… …   Law dictionary

  • Principal-agent — Problème principal agent Le principe du principal agent est le cœur de la théorie de l agence, une des théories de l économie industrielle. Il désigne un ensemble de problèmes rencontrés lorsque l action d un acteur économique, désigné comme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • principal — 01. The child was sent to see the [principal] after threatening to beat up a smaller boy on the playground. 02. The [principal] reason why she quit her job was because she didn t feel she had any future there. 03. A wise man once said that all of …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Principal Park — Infobox Baseball Stadium stadium name = Principal Park location = Des Moines, Iowa opened = April 16, 1992 owner = City of Des Moines surface = Grass construction cost = $12 million USD architect = HOK Sport + Venue + Event former names = Sec… …   Wikipedia

  • issue price — Initial issue price of a financial instrument. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The gross price placed on a new bond issue, expressed as a percentage of the principal amount. Exchange Handbook Glossary * * * issue price issue price ➔… …   Financial and business terms

  • Principal component regression — In statistics, principal component regression (PCR) is a regression analysis that uses principal component analysis when estimating regression coefficients.In PCR instead of regressing the independent variables (the regressors) on the dependent… …   Wikipedia

  • Principal at risk notes — What are Principal at Risk Notes? Ending Value Higher Benefits of PARs * Enhanced/Leveraged Return ** Upside: Receive a return that is enhanced by leverage so that it will be higher than the actually return, subject to any caps. ** Downside:… …   Wikipedia

  • Principal Galaxies Catalogue — The Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) is an astronomical catalogue published in 1989 that lists B1950 and J2000 equatorial coordinates and cross identifications for 73,197 galaxies. The 40,932 coordinates have standard deviations smaller than …   Wikipedia

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