primordial concept

primordial concept
изначальное понятие;
изначальный концепт

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "primordial concept" в других словарях:

  • Primordial soup — may refer to:* Abiogenesis, a scientific concept. * Primordial Soup, a German board game (originally titled Ursuppe ) …   Wikipedia

  • primordial — [adj] earliest basic, early, elemental, first, fundamental, original, prehistoric, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, pristine, radical; concept 799 Ant. last, latest …   New thesaurus

  • Primordial sandwich — The concept of the primordial sandwich was proposed by the chemist Günter Wächtershäuser to describe the possible origins of the first cell membranes, and, therefore, the first cell.According to the two main models of abiogenesis, RNA world and… …   Wikipedia

  • OPPOSITION (CONCEPT D’) — Le concept d’opposition, sous ses deux formes fondamentales de la contradiction et de la contrariété, est l’un des acquis les plus anciens de la logique formelle, telle que le modèle en a été formulé par Aristote, à partir de l’analyse des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • The Primordial Tradition — is a school of religious philosophy that holds its origins in the philosophia perennis, or perennial philosophy, which is in turn a development of the prisca theologia of the Middle Ages. [Antoine Faivre and Karen Claire Voss, Western Esotericism …   Wikipedia

  • Océan primordial — Noun Pour les articles homonymes, voir Noun (homonymie). Cet article fait partie de la série Dieux égyptiens Présentation Par ordre alphabétique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • PSYCHANALYSE ET CONCEPT D’OPPOSITION — La découverte des processus inconscients, liée à celle du conflit intrapsychique, se formule fréquemment sous la plume de Freud par le vocable d’opposition (Gegensatz ) et, à l’occasion, par l’un de ses dérivés, d’une importance théorique… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Max Scheler's Concept of Ressentiment — Max Scheler (1874 1928) Max Scheler (1874–1928) was both the most respected and neglected of the major early 20th century German Continental philosophers in the phenomenological tradition.[1] His observations and insights concerning a special… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek primordial gods — The ancient Greeks proposed many different ideas about primordial deities in their mythology, which would later be largely adapted by the Romans. The many religious cosmologies constructed by Greek poets each give a different account of which… …   Wikipedia

  • Enlightenment (concept) — Enlightenment broadly means wisdom or understanding enabling clarity of perception. However, the English word covers two concepts which can be quite distinct: religious or spiritual enlightenment (German: Erleuchtung ) and secular or intellectual …   Wikipedia

  • Bagua (concept) — The Bagua (zh cpwl|c=八卦|p=bā guà|w=pa kua|l=eight symbols|) are eight diagrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent a range of interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each either broken or unbroken, representing a yin line or a yang …   Wikipedia

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