primitive recursion
Смотреть что такое "primitive recursion" в других словарях:
primitive recursion — noun a) Recursion to a fixed depth. b) The operator that creates a new function from two functions and such that: <br /> … Wiktionary
Recursion theory — Recursion theory, also called computability theory, is a branch of mathematical logic that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown to include the study of generalized computability… … Wikipedia
Primitive recursive arithmetic — Primitive recursive arithmetic, or PRA, is a quantifier free formalization of the natural numbers. It was first proposed by Skolem [Thoralf Skolem (1923) The foundations of elementary arithmetic in Jean van Heijenoort, translator and ed. (1967)… … Wikipedia
Primitive recursive function — The primitive recursive functions are defined using primitive recursion and composition as central operations and are a strict subset of the recursive functions (recursive functions are also known as computable functions). The term was coined by… … Wikipedia
Recursion — Recursion, in mathematics and computer science, is a method of defining functions in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition. The term is also used more generally to describe a process of repeating objects in a self… … Wikipedia
Recursion (computer science) — Recursion in computer science is a way of thinking about and solving problems. It is, in fact, one of the central ideas of computer science. [cite book last = Epp first = Susanna title = Discrete Mathematics with Applications year=1995… … Wikipedia
Récursion Primitive — Fonction récursive primitive Une fonction récursive primitive est une fonction définie principalement à l aide de fonctions primitives de récursion et de composition. Ces fonctions constituent un sous ensemble des fonctions récursives. Elles ont… … Wikipédia en Français
Récursion — Récursif Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
primitive recursive — adjective Of a function, capable of being constructed from the zero function, successor function, and projection functions, by a finite number of applications of composition and recursion … Wiktionary
Course-of-values recursion — In computability theory, course of values recursion is a technique for defining number theoretic functions by recursion. In a definition of a function f by course of values recursion, the value of f(n+1) is computed from the sequence . The fact… … Wikipedia
Double recursion — In recursive function theory, double recursion is an extension of primitive recursion which allows the definition of non primitive recursive functions like the Ackermann function. Raphael M. Robinson called functions of two natural number… … Wikipedia