primitive form

primitive form
мат. примитивная форма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "primitive form" в других словарях:

  • Primitive Apostolic Christianity (Sabbatarian) — Primitive Apostolic Christianity or Sabbatarianism is an effort to combine Old Testament Jewish Law with Christianity. It is a movement based on the belief that since the Apostles were proselytes to Judaism before converting to Christianity, they …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive reflexes — are reflex actions originating in the central nervous system that are exhibited by normal infants but not neurologically intact adults, in response to particular stimuli. These reflexes disappear or are inhibited by the frontal lobes as a child… …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive Baptist — Primitive Baptists (also known as Old School Baptists) are a group of Baptists that have a historical connection to the missionary / anti missionary controversy that divided Baptists of America in the early part of the 19th century. Those… …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive accumulation of capital — is a concept introduced by Karl Marx in part 8 of the first volume of Das Kapital (in German: ursprüngliche Akkumulation , literally original accumulation or primeval accumulation ). Its purpose is to help explain how the capitalist mode of… …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive — is a subjective label used to imply that one thing is less sophisticated or less advanced than some other thing. Being a comparative word it is also relative in nature.Indigenous peoples and their beliefs and practices are sometimes described as… …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive markings — among domestic horses are a group of hair coat markings and qualities associated with primitive breeds,cite journal |last=Stachurska |first=AM |title=Inheritance of primitive markings in horses |journal=J. Anim. Breed. Genet. |year=1999… …   Wikipedia

  • primitive — [prim′i tiv] adj. [ME primitif < MFr < L primitivus < primus, first: see PRIME] 1. of or existing in the beginning or the earliest times or ages; ancient; original 2. a) characteristic or imitative of the earliest ages b) crude, simple,… …   English World dictionary

  • Primitive Methodist — Primitive Methodism. 1. a member of a Protestant denomination (Primitive Methodist Church) founded in England in 1812 and later established in the U.S., characterized by its adherence to the basic doctrines, principles, and practices taught by… …   Universalium

  • Form criticism — is a method of biblical criticism that classifies units of scripture by literary pattern (such as parables or legends) and that attempts to trace each type to its period of oral transmission. [ form criticism. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007.… …   Wikipedia

  • form — n 1 Form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration are comparable when they denote the disposition or arrangement of content that gives a particular aspect or appearance to a thing as distinguished from the substance of which that thing is made …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Primitive (phylogenetics) — Primitive is a descriptive term often used in the field of evolution to describe particular species or traits that are characteristic of an older evolutionary scale of development relative to more recent developments. For example, prokaryotes… …   Wikipedia

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