primer charge
Смотреть что такое "primer charge" в других словарях:
Primer ministro de la India — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Primer ministro de la India Escudo de la India … Wikipedia Español
primer — primer1 [prim′ər; ] Brit [ prī′mər] n. [ME prymer < ML primarius < L primus, first: see PRIME] 1. a simple book for teaching reading to beginners 2. a textbook giving the first principles of any subject 3. see GREAT PRIMER primer2 [prī … English World dictionary
Primer — Prim er, n. One who, or that which, primes; specifically, an instrument or device for priming; esp., a cap, tube, or water containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting a charge of gunpowder. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Charge (heraldry) — For a more comprehensive list, see List of heraldic charges. Shield Field Supporter Supporter Motto (Scotland) … Wikipedia
primer — primer1 /prim euhr/ or, esp. Brit., /pruy meuhr/, n. 1. an elementary book for teaching children to read. 2. any book of elementary principles: a primer of phonetics. 3. See great primer. 4. See long primer. [1350 1400; ME < ML primarium, n. use… … Universalium
Charge-coupled device — Para otros usos de este término, véase CCD (desambiguación). Sensor CCD. Un charge coupled device o CCD (en español «dispositivo de carga acoplada») es un circuito integrado que contiene un número determinado de condensadores enlazados o… … Wikipedia Español
primer — I. /ˈpraɪmə / (say pruymuh), /ˈprɪmə/ (say primuh) noun 1. an elementary book for teaching children to read. 2. any, often small, book of elementary principles: a primer in phonetics. {Middle English, from Medieval Latin prīmārium (properly… …
primer — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, layperson s prayer book, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin primarium, from Late Latin, neuter of primarius primary Date: 14th century 1. a small book for teaching children to read 2. a small introductory… … New Collegiate Dictionary
primer — primer1 noun 1》 a substance painted on wood, metal, etc. as a preparatory coat. 2》 a cap or cylinder containing a compound which ignites the charge in a cartridge or explosive. 3》 a small pump for priming an engine. primer2 noun a book providing… … English new terms dictionary
primer — I prim•er [[t]ˈprɪm ər[/t]] esp. brit. [[t]ˈpraɪ mər[/t]] n. 1) an elementary book for teaching children to read 2) any book of elementary principles • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME < ML prīmārium, n. use of neut. of prīmārius primary II prim•er… … From formal English to slang
Depth charge — For other uses, see Depth charge (disambiguation). Mark IX Depth Charge used by the U.S. Navy late in World War II. Unlike the cylindrical, barrel shaped depth charge used earlier, the Mark IX is streamlined and equipped with canted fins to… … Wikipedia