primary output

primary output

1. вывод первичной информации
2. первый выходной сигнал (в интеграторе)
3. первичный выход (в логической схеме)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "primary output" в других словарях:

  • Output-based aid — (OBA) refers to development aid strategies that link the delivery of public services in developing countries to targeted performance related subsidies. OBA subsidies are offered in transport construction, education, water and sanitation systems,… …   Wikipedia

  • Output TransformerLess — (audio amplifier) = In the larger scope of vacuum tube audio amplifiers Output TransformerLess (OTL) describes a specific subset of audio power amplifier topologies, all of which have a single common attribute: unlike conventional vacuum tube… …   Wikipedia

  • Output transformerless — (OTL) is a term which describes a subset of vacuum tube audio power amplifier topologies, all of which omit an output transformer for the purpose of greater linearity and fidelity. Conventional vacuum tube amplifier designs rely upon an output… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary aldosteronism — Primary hyperaldosteronism Classification and external resources Aldosterone ICD 10 E …   Wikipedia

  • Primary deficit — is the pure deficit which is derived after deducting the interest payments component from the total deficit of any budget.In other words the total of primary deficit and interest payments makes the fiscal deficit.The opposite of a primary deficit …   Wikipedia

  • Primary Recovery — The first stage of oil and gas production, in which natural reservoir drives are used to recover hydrocarbons. Due to the difference in pressure within the reservoir and at the bottom of the well, hydrocarbons are driven towards the well and to… …   Investment dictionary

  • primary air — That portion of the compressor output air used for the actual combustion of fuel. It is that portion of airflow flowing through the engine core. See also primary combustion …   Aviation dictionary

  • Democratic Party primary, Connecticut United States Senate election, 2006 — The 2006 Connecticut Senate Democratic Primary was held on August 8, 2006 and pitted three term incumbent Senator Joe Lieberman against cable executive Ned Lamont. Connecticut is a stronghold for the Democratic Party and Senator Lieberman s seat… …   Wikipedia

  • St John Bosco Primary School — in Erskine( Arasgain in Scottish Gaelic), is the first school within Renfrewshire, Scotland to have an on site renewable energy device installed. The turbine was installed in March 2005 and is located on the summit of Craigend Hill. Full planning …   Wikipedia

  • Inductive output tube — The inductive output tube or IOT is a variety of vacuum tube which evolved in the 1980s to meet increasing efficiency requirements for high power RF amplifiers. The primary commercial use of IOTs is in UHF television transmitters, where they have …   Wikipedia

  • Puerto Rico Democratic primary, 2008 — The 2008 Puerto Rico Democratic primary took place on June 1,2008. It was an open primary. [cite web |url= ivm6bnzcw.pdf |title=Puerto Rico Amended Delegate Selection Plan |publisher= The… …   Wikipedia

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