primary coil
Смотреть что такое "primary coil" в других словарях:
primary coil — noun coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil • Syn: ↑primary winding, ↑primary • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
primary coil — pirminė ritė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. primary coil vok. Primärspule, f rus. первичная катушка, f pranc. bobine primaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
primary coil — A tube and fin circular coil that contains a water glycol solution which surrounds the ignitor and burner. This coil is used in a water glycol gas forced air furnace … Dictionary of automotive terms
primary coil — noun see primary II … New Collegiate Dictionary
primary — [prī′mer΄ē, prī′mə rē] adj. [ME prymary < L primarius < primus, first: see PRIME] 1. first in time or order of development; primitive; original; earliest 2. from which others are derived; fundamental; elemental; basic 3. designating colors… … English World dictionary
Coil — Winding redirects here. For other uses, see Winding (disambiguation). For other uses, see Coil (disambiguation). A coil is a series of loops. A coiled coil is a structure in which the coil itself is in turn also looping. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
primary — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin primarius basic, primary, from Latin, principal, from primus Date: 15th century 1. first in order of time or development ; primitive < the primary stage of civilization > < the primary… … New Collegiate Dictionary
primary — adj. & n. adj. 1 a of the first importance; chief (that is our primary concern). b fundamental, basic. 2 earliest, original; first in a series. 3 of the first rank in a series; not derived (the primary meaning of a word). 4 designating any of the … Useful english dictionary
primary winding — noun coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil • Syn: ↑primary coil, ↑primary • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
coil — I n. an induction; primary coil II v. 1)(d; intr., refl.) to coil around/round (the snake coiled around its victim) 2) (d; intr., refl.) to coil into (to coil into a ball) * * * [kɔɪl] primary coil an induction (d;intr.,refl.) to coilaround/round … Combinatory dictionary
Coil (band) — Black Light District redirects here. For the mini album of the Dutch band The Gathering, see Black Light District (EP). Coil Coil (Left: John Balance, Right: Peter Christopherson) Background information … Wikipedia