- primary chemistry
- химическая подготовка (теплоносителя ядерного реактора)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Chemistry education — (or chemical education) is a comprehensive term that refers to the study of the teaching and learning of chemistry in all schools, colleges and universities. Topics in chemistry education might include understanding how students learn chemistry,… … Wikipedia
primary — primary, primal, primordial, primitive, pristine, primeval, prime mean first in some respect (as order, character, or importance). Something primary comes first in the order of development or of progression. Sometimes the term means little more… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Primary isolate — is a pure microbial or viral sample that has been obtained from an infected individual, rather than grown in a laboratory. In chemistry and bacteriology, the verb isolate means to obtain a pure chemical, bacteriological or viral sample. The noun… … Wikipedia
Chemistry (TV series) — Chemistry Genre Seriocomedy Starring Ana Alexander Jonathan Chase Composer(s) Eric Allaman Country of origin USA Language(s) English … Wikipedia
Primary standard — In metrology, a primary standard is a standard that is accurate enough that it is not calibrated by or subordinate to other standards. A primary standard in chemistry is a reliable, readily quantified substance. Features of a primary standard… … Wikipedia
Primary School Leaving Examination — The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a national examination taken by all students in Singapore near the end of their sixth year in primary school, which is also their last year in primary school before they leave for secondary school … Wikipedia
primary — /ˈpraɪmri / (say pruymree), /ˈpraɪməri / (say pruymuhree) adjective 1. first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal. 2. first in order in any series, sequence, etc. 3. first in time; earliest; primitive. 4. constituting, or belonging… …
Chemistry — For other uses, see Chemistry (disambiguation). Chemistry is the science of atomic matter (that made of chemical elements), its properties, structure, comp … Wikipedia
Primary alcohol — A primary alcohol is an alcohol which has the hydroxyl radical connected to a primary carbon. It can also be defined as a molecule containing a “–CH2OH” group.cite web |url=http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi bin/omd?primary+alcohol |title=Definition … Wikipedia
primary mineral — ▪ mineral classification in an igneous rock, any mineral that formed during the original solidification (crystallization) of the rock. Primary minerals include both the essential minerals used to assign a classification name to the rock and … Universalium
primary — adjective 1》 of chief importance; principal. 2》 earliest in time or order. ↘(Primary) Geology former term for Palaeozoic. 3》 not caused by or based on anything else. 4》 chiefly Brit. relating to or denoting education for children between the… … English new terms dictionary