- prickly heat
- ˈprɪklɪˈhi:t мед. тропический лишай;
потница (медицина) красная, тропическая потница
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Prickly heat — Prickly Prick ly, a. Full of sharp points or prickles; armed or covered with prickles; as, a prickly shrub. [1913 Webster] {Prickly heat} (Med.), a noncontagious cutaneous eruption of red pimples, attended with intense itching and tingling of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prickly heat — n [U] a skin condition in which you get uncomfortable red spots on your skin. Prickly heat is caused by too much strong sun on your skin … Dictionary of contemporary English
prickly heat — noun uncount a skin condition in which you get very small red spots that you want to rub, caused by hot weather … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
prickly heat — ☆ prickly heat n. MILIARIA … English World dictionary
prickly heat — prick·ly heat prik lē n a noncontagious cutaneous eruption of red pimples with intense itching and tingling caused by inflammation around the sweat ducts called also heat rash see MILIARIA * * * an itchy rash of small raised red spots. It occurs… … Medical dictionary
prickly heat — N UNCOUNT Prickly heat is a condition caused by very hot weather, in which your skin becomes hot, uncomfortable, and covered with tiny bumps … English dictionary
prickly heat — an itchy rash of small raised red spots. It occurs usually on the face, neck, back, chest, and thighs. Infants and obese people are susceptible to prickly heat, which is most common in hot moist weather. It is caused by blockage of the sweat… … The new mediacal dictionary
prickly heat — noun obstruction of the sweat ducts during high heat and humidity • Syn: ↑heat rash, ↑miliaria • Hypernyms: ↑rash, ↑roseola, ↑efflorescence, ↑skin rash … Useful english dictionary
prickly heat — Pathol. a cutaneous eruption accompanied by a prickling and itching sensation, due to an inflammation of the sweat glands. Also called heat rash. [1730 40, Amer.] * * * a noncontagious skin eruption of red pimples with intense itching and… … Universalium
prickly heat — Synonyms and related words: acne, acne vulgaris, breaking out, dermamycosis, dermatitis, dermatosis, diaper rash, drug rash, eczema, efflorescence, elephantiasis, epithelioma, eruption, erysipelas, erythema, exanthem, heat rash, herpes, herpes… … Moby Thesaurus
prickly heat — prick′ly heat′ n. pat a cutaneous eruption accompanied by a prickling and itching sensation, due to an inflammation of the sweat glands … From formal English to slang