prick up one's ears
Смотреть что такое "prick up one's ears" в других словарях:
prick up one's ears — {v. phr.}, {informal} To come to interested attention; begin to listen closely; try to hear. * /The woman pricked up her ears when she heard them talking about her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prick up one's ears — {v. phr.}, {informal} To come to interested attention; begin to listen closely; try to hear. * /The woman pricked up her ears when she heard them talking about her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
prick up one's ears — LISTEN CAREFULLY, pay attention, become attentive, begin to take notice, attend; informal be all ears; poetic/literary hark. → prick * * * phrasal : to begin to listen intently or with increased interest * * * prick up one s ears To begin to… … Useful english dictionary
prick up one's ears — idi prick up one s ears, to become very alert; listen attentively … From formal English to slang
prick up one's ears — If you prick up your ears, you suddenly pay attention to what is being said. The children pricked up their ears when they heard the word ice cream … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
prick up one's ears — we pricked up our ears when he mentioned the Christmas bonuses Syn: listen carefully, pay attention, become attentive, begin to take notice, attend; informal be all ears … Thesaurus of popular words
prick\ up\ one's\ ears — v. phr. informal To come to interested attention; begin to listen closely; try to hear. The woman pricked up her ears when she heard them talking about her … Словарь американских идиом
prick up one's ears — phrasal to listen intently … New Collegiate Dictionary
prick up one's ears — verb To listen attentively … Wiktionary
prick up one's ears — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. pay attention (to), notice, listen to; see listen 1 … English dictionary for students
prick — [prik] n. [ME prike < OE prica, point, dot, akin to Du prik, MHG pfrecken] 1. a very small puncture or, formerly, dot, made by a sharp point 2. Archaic any of various pointed objects, as a thorn, goad, etc. 3. PRICKING 4. a sharp pain caused… … English World dictionary