price of option

price of option
курс по сделкам с премией

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "price of option" в других словарях:

  • Price-Based Option — A derivative financial instrument in which the underlying asset is a debt security. Typically, these options give their holders the right to purchase or sell an underlying debt security (usually a bond) or to receive cash payment based on the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Fixed Price Purchase Option — The right, but not the obligation, to buy a leased item at a predetermined price. With a fixed price purchase option, the purchase price is established when the lease terms are agreed upon. The lease agreement should also describe when the option …   Investment dictionary

  • Average Price/Rate Option —    An option whose settlement value is based on the difference between the strike price of the option and the average of the spot rates of the underlying instrument on which the option is based, over the life of the option. The averaging can be… …   Financial and business terms

  • option — an agreement, often for a consideration, which permits the purchase or sale of something within a stipulated time, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. For example, a right by a tenant to take up a further lease of premises, usually… …   Financial and business terms

  • Option style — In finance, the style or family of an option is a general term denoting the class into which the option falls, usually defined by the dates on which the option may be exercised. The vast majority of options are either European or American (style) …   Wikipedia

  • Option — Gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price on or before a given date. Investors, not companies, issue options. Investors who purchase call options bet the stock will be worth more than the price set… …   Financial and business terms

  • Option time value — Finance Financial markets Bond market …   Wikipedia

  • option — The right to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a commodity, currency, security, etc., at a particular date at a particular price (the exercise price). Unlike futures, the purchaser of an option is not obliged to buy or sell at the exercise price… …   Accounting dictionary

  • option — The right to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a commodity, currency, security, etc. , at a particular date at a particular price (the exercise price). Unlike futures, the purchaser of an option is not obliged to buy or sell at the exercise price… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • option — op·tion 1 / äp shən/ n 1: the power or right to choose; also: a choice made or available 2: a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified time 3: a contract conveying in exchange for the payment of a premium a… …   Law dictionary

  • Option — Op tion, n. [L. optio; akin to optare to choose, wish, optimus best, and perh. to E. apt: cf. F. option.] 1. The power of choosing; the right of choice or election; an alternative. [1913 Webster] There is an option left to the United States of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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