- priapic
- фаллический - * cult фаллический культ
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
priapic — PRIÁPIC, Ă, priapici, ce, adj. (med.) Referitor la priapism, de priapism. [pr.: pri a ] – Din fr. priapique. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 14.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 priápic adj. m. (sil. pri a ), pl. priápici; f … Dicționar Român
priapic — (adj.) phallic, 1786, from Priapus, from Gk. Priapos, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, the god who personified male reproductive power. His name is of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
priapic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) phallic. 2) Medicine having a persistently erect penis. DERIVATIVES priapism noun. ORIGIN from Greek Priapos, a god of fertility … English terms dictionary
priapic — [prī ap′ik] adj. [ PRIAP(US) + IC] 1. PHALLIC 2. overly concerned with virility or masculinity … English World dictionary
priapic — /pruy ap ik/, adj. 1. (sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to Priapus; phallic. 2. characterized by or emphasizing a phallus: priapic figurines. 3. (of an image) suggestive of or resembling a phallus by its shape. 4. exaggeratedly concerned with… … Universalium
priapic — /praɪˈæpɪk/ (say pruy apik) adjective 1. (sometimes upper case) of or relating to Priapus. 2. characterised by or emphasising a phallus: priapic statues. 3. stressing or parading masculinity or male sexuality …
priapic — adjective Etymology: Latin priapus lecher, from Priapus Date: 1786 1. phallic 2. relating to or preoccupied with virility or male sexual excitement … New Collegiate Dictionary
priapic — adjective a) phallic b) masculine or excessively concerned with masculinity … Wiktionary
priapic — praɪ æpɪk adj. penile, of the male sex organ, phallic; resembling a penis … English contemporary dictionary
priapic — [prʌɪ apɪk] adjective 1》 relating to a phallus or to male sexuality. 2》 Medicine having a persistently erect penis. Derivatives priapism noun Origin C18: from Gk Priapos, name of a god of fertility, + ic … English new terms dictionary
priapic — pri·ap·ic … English syllables