
prɪˈvent гл.
1) предотвращать, предупреждать to prevent the spread of diseaseпредупредить распространение болезни to prevent crime ≈ предупреждать преступность Syn : guard, stave off, avert, forestall, obviate, preclude Ant : effect, facilitate, permit
2) мешать, не допускать;
оберегать (from - от) Nothing shall prevent us from reaching our aim! ≈ Ничто не сможет помешать нам достичь цели!
3) перегонять, опережать;
превосходить редк. Syn : precede;
outrun, outstrip предотвращать, предупреждать;
предохранять - to * a disaster предотвратить несчастье - to * the spread of disease предупредить распространение болезни - to * crime предупреждать преступность (часто from) мешать, препятствовать, не допускать - to * the war не допустить развязывания войны - my cold *s me from going out из-за простуды я не могу выйти из дому - nothing shall * me from doing my duty ничто не помешает мне выполнить (мой) долг - a sense of delicacy *ed me from speaking my mind из деликатность я не смог высказаться откровенно (религия) (устаревшее) вести, руководить, направлять (устаревшее) предупреждать (желание, вопросы и т. п.) (устаревшее) предшествовать prevent мешать, препятствовать, не допускать ~ мешать, препятствовать (from - чему-л.) ;
не допускать ~ мешать ~ предотвращать, предохранять, предупреждать ~ предотвращать ~ предохранять ~ предупреждать ~ препятствовать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prevent" в других словарях:

  • prevent — 1 Prevent, anticipate, forestall can mean to be or get ahead of or to deal with beforehand, with reference especially to a thing s due time or to its actual occurrence or to the action of another. Prevent implies frustration (as of an intention… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • prevent — When prevent is followed by an object + verbal noun, the usual construction now is (for example) prevent him going or prevent him from going, rather than prevent his going, which (though considered formally more correct by some) is falling out of …   Modern English usage

  • PReVENT — is a European automotive industry activity co funded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventive safety applications and technologies. Preventive and active safety applications help drivers… …   Wikipedia

  • Prevent — Pre*vent , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Prevented}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preventing}.] [L. praevenire, praeventum; prae before + venire to come. See {Come}.] 1. To go before; to precede; hence, to go before as a guide; to direct. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] We… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prevent — I verb arrest, avert, avoid, baffle, balk, bar, block, check, checkmate, circumvent, contest, counter, counteract, countercheck, cut off, debar, defeat, deflect, delay, detain, deter, discourage, estop, fend off, foil, forbid, foreclose,… …   Law dictionary

  • prevent — pre‧vent [prɪˈvent] verb [transitive] to stop something happening, or someone doing something: • government regulators working to prevent fraud prevent somebody/​something (from) doing something • The region s huge economic problems will prevent… …   Financial and business terms

  • prevent — [prē vent′, privent′] vt. [ME preventen < L praeventus, pp. of praevenire, to anticipate < prae , before (see PRE ) + venire, to COME] 1. Obs. a) to act in anticipation of (an event or a fixed time) b) to anticipate (a need, objection,… …   English World dictionary

  • Prevent — Pre*vent , v. i. To come before the usual time. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Strawberries . . . will prevent and come early. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prevent — (v.) early 15c., to act in anticipation of, from L. praeventus, pp. of praevenire come before, anticipate, hinder, in L.L. also to prevent, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + venire to come (see VENUE (Cf. venue)). Originally literal; sense… …   Etymology dictionary

  • prevent — [v] keep from happening or continuing anticipate, arrest, avert, avoid, baffle, balk, bar, block, check, chill*, cool, cork, counter, counteract, dam, debar, defend against, foil, forbid, forestall, forfend, frustrate, halt, hamper, head off,… …   New thesaurus

  • prevent — ► VERB 1) keep from happening or arising. 2) stop (someone) from doing something. ● prevention is better than cure Cf. ↑prevention is better than cure DERIVATIVES preventable adjective prevention …   English terms dictionary

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